Staphylococcal ficus is a typical male skin disease, as it most often develops in the hairy skin of the face: the upper lip, chin and cheeks. Men who do not properly care for their shaving equipment are particularly exposed to the sycamore. What are the causes and symptoms of sycosis? What is its treatment?
Staphylococcal figis a chronic purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. The inflammation usually develops within the hairy skin of the face - the upper lip, chin, cheeks, less often the head, neck or chest, therefore the disease is most often diagnosed in men. Fig is chronic, i.e. the inflammation may last from several months to even several years.
Staphylococcal fig - causes
As the name suggests, the cause of chronic purulent inflammation of the hair follicles is a staphylococcal infection. How does it happen? There are numerous bacteria on human skin, not only non-pathogenic ones. Sometimes the natural bacterial flora of the skin can be inhabited by pathogenic bacteria - staphylococcus aureus and purulent streptococci, which cause purulent skin diseases (pyoderma). However, they do not develop until the skin is damaged, e.g. as a result of cuts, scrapes, or abrasions to the epidermis, which often happens during shaving. Then, bacteria may penetrate deep into the hair follicles and develop inflammation. The chronic form of such inflammation is sycosis.
Staphylococcal fig - symptoms
The symptoms of figs are numerous pimples and papules that are stuck in the mouths of the hair follicles. Each of the lesions looks as if it has been pierced by hair. These changes partially dry up, forming scabs, the remaining ones may form infiltrates and purulent bumps.
In addition, inflammation leads to the destruction of hair nipples, and hence - to hair loss (but the hair itself is not damaged), where scars can form. Usually, however, after healing, hair grows back Luckily, in most cases, the disease does not reduce the amount of hair.
Staphylococcal fig - treatment
In local treatment, antibiotics are used (according to the results of the culture and antibiogram), exfoliating ointments and the lesions are brushed with a gentian violet solution. In addition, care should be taken to provide B vitamins and vitamin C. cases of difficult-to-heal lesions, antibiotics are also used systemically. There is also a possibility of treatment with bacterial vaccines (staphylococcal vaccine).
Personal hygiene is also very important - it's best to use disposable razors, and if they are reusable - disinfect them. Electric razors are not recommended as they can worsen the skin condition
It should be noted that the treatment of Staphylococcal Sycosis is long-lasting.