Breast skin diseases are usually minor inflammatory conditions, e.g. breast nipple infection. However, in some cases, breast skin conditions can be cancerous. Breast cancer can become inflammatory. Then it manifests itself with ulceration characteristic of many skin diseases, and in addition, the tumor may not be palpable, which may delay the correct diagnosis. Check what are breast skin diseases and how to recognize their symptoms.
Red skin under the breasts ,lumps on the nipplesor blisters or ulcers on the skin of the breast are just some of the symptoms of breast skin diseases. Some of them are harmless, especially if they appear in nursing women, who often struggle with, for example,nipple infection . However, if suspicious breast changes appear in older women, and additionally persist for a long time, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Even breast cancer may be the cause of the changes.
Diseases of the breast skin - puerperal mastitis
Puerperal mastitis is a disease caused by hemolytic staphylococcus aureus. It most often affects women who are breastfeeding. Milk ducts are very susceptible to infections caused by bacteria entering from the outside.
Infection of the nipple presents with pain that may initially be slight and limited to a part of the breast, and with fever. Later they add reddening and warming of the skin of the breasts and their enlargement. The accompanying symptom may be a hard infiltration and abscess of the breast.
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Then it is recommended to take painkillers and antibiotics that treat inflammation (on the doctor's orders of course), and use cold compresses. Mom should not breastfeed her baby. When an abscess forms, surgeon intervention is required. Erythematous dandruff (erythrasma) is a bacterial skin infection caused by theCorynebacterium minutissimumbacteria. It manifests itself with red, then brown skin that may be flaky. The lesions are mainly located in the skin folds under the breasts. Antibiotics are used in the treatment. Displacement under the breasts - bacterial or yeast - is an inflammation located in the folds of the skin under the breasts. The disease manifests itself as reddening of the inflamed areas of the skin and peeling within the lesions. Additionally, they may ooze serous secretions. Treatment depends on the cause of the inflammation. A bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics in the form of ointments or tablets.Mycosis of the skin under the breastsrequires the administration of antifungal drugs. A nipple fistula is a skin disease that affects women struggling with a breast abscess. In some cases, the abscess breaks through to the outside of the breast, i.e. the purulent discharge is drained outside, forming the so-called fistula. Thenbreast ulcersappear. In such a situation, surgery is necessary. White lumps on the nipples - what do they mean? Whitish, convex swellings within the areola should not worry us. These are naturally occurring Montgomery glands, i.e. transformed sweat glands that can arrange themselves in a circular pattern over the entire surface of the areola or irregularly, in smaller or larger clusters. Paget's disease of the nipple (Paget's breast cancer) is a cancer of the milk outlet ducts. It is a rare form of breast cancer - it accounts for 0.5-5 percent. these cancers - which usually affect women between the ages of 60 and 70. Initially, redness and an eczema-like lesion appear on the nipple and around the areola. The nipple then becomes ulcerated and retracted, possibly accompanied bynipple dischargebloody discharge. CHECK>>BREAST CANCER SYMPTOMS. What changes in the appearance of the breast may indicate cancer? In some cases, breast cancer becomes inflammatory.Inflammatory breast cancerresults from the formation of blockages of cancer cells in the lymph vessels of the breast, causing the breasts to become swollen and sore. In addition, the skin on the breasts is red and there is a feeling of its excessive warming, which can be mistaken, for example, with a bacterial skin infection. The more that in some cases the tumor may not be palpable.Diseases of the breast skin - erythematous dandruff
Breast skin diseases -eruption in folds under the breasts
Diseases of the breast skin - nipple fistula
See gallery 4 photosImportant
Diseases of the breast skin - Paget's breast cancer
Breast skin diseases - breast cancer
How to self-examine the breasts?