A diet for inhalation allergy is rich in calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. These elements are adjuvants that are used to relieve the symptoms of allergies. That is why there is no shortage of vegetables, fruits and fish in the diet for inhalation allergy. However, there are certain groups of foods that should be avoided. Find out what you can't eat while on an inhalation allergy diet.
Inhaled allergy diet - what is an inhaled allergy?
Inhalation allergyis an allergic reaction caused by the so-called inhalation allergens, i.e. substances that enter our body as a result of inhalation. After getting into our respiratory system, they interact with antibodies, leading to the release of histamine. The body reacts very aggressively to this process, symptoms of which are runny nose, sore throat and watery eyes. The goal of theinhalation allergy dietis to alleviate these symptoms and prevent them from happening again.
Inhaled allergy diets: products that can help
Warm fluids help break down blockages that have formed in the airways, which makes it easier to cough up mucus. You can provide them to the body in the form of freshly brewed tea or hot broth.
Oily fish , specifically the unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids they contain, can lower the risk of developing allergies. Therefore, every allergy sufferer should regularly consume tuna, salmon and mackerel.
He althy bacteria in yoghurt, or probiotics, can reduce the intensity of symptomsinhalation allergy , especially in children.
Citrus fruitsmay not eliminate the symptoms associated with an allergic reaction, but they will certainly strengthen our natural protective barrier and reduce the risk of inhalation allergy.
Onionsandgarlicwill also strengthen our immune system. All thanks to sulfur, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
Vegetablescontain antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties, therefore they may reduce the development of inhalation allergy. Green vegetables such as eggplant, zucchini, green beans and cucumber are especially useful in the fight against allergies.
Chiliand Russian mustard are spices that dilate blood vessels and narrowbronchial tubes, making it easier to breathe.
Inhaled allergy diet: foods to avoid
Food allergy ,may cause an allergic reaction in some people. These types of products include peanuts, seafood, eggs and cow's milk.
Some fruits and vegetables contain proteins that are very similar to those found in some pollen. Consequently, food that has a protein structure similar to that of some pollen proteins can cause an allergic reaction. It happens that people who are allergic to ragweed may developsymptoms of inhalation allergyafter eating a tomato. On the other hand, people who are allergic to grass may react poorly to peaches and celery.
Drinking alcohol, especially beer or wine, can cause inhalation allergy in some people, such as a stuffy nose.
People with an inhalation allergy should avoid red meat and animal fats.