Did you know that some fruits have slimming properties: they stimulate the body to burn fat, help cleanse the body of toxins and aid digestion? Fruit that supports weight loss include prickly pear, grapefruit, pineapple and papaya.
Most fruits are high in calories and have a high glycemic index (they are a source of simple sugars), so unlike vegetables, you cannot eat them without restrictions. The latest pyramid of he althy eating and physical activity recommends that vegetables and fruits constitute at least half of our daily food, of which we fill with vegetables and only 1/4 with fruit.
The most caloric fruits include: bananas, grapes, dates, pomegranates, pears, kiwi fruit, prunes and figs. People who are on a diet can eat watermelons, melons, strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and cherries more often - these fruits have the least calories. There are also fruits that, thanks to their unique properties - regardless of the calorific value - support weight loss and are recommended in slimming diets. These include:prickly pear ,grapefruit ,papayaandpineapple.
1. Prickly pear - inhibits the feeling of hunger
Prickly pear is the fruit of this cactus that inhibits the feeling of hunger, reduces fat absorption and has a detoxifying effect. In Mexico, where the prickly pear is grown, it is used to wrap wounds, treat gastrointestinal problems, and lower blood glucose levels in diabetics. The fruit can be eaten raw, in preserves, you can make juice from them, they are also an ingredient of teas. Their extract is found in slimming preparations.
2. Grapefruit - stimulates fat burning
Grapefruit, apart from being a refreshing fruit rich in vitamins and minerals, also has slimming properties. It stimulates fat burning, improves metabolism, and thanks to the content of pectins, it improves intestinal function, regulates the carbohydrate and fat metabolism and helps to remove toxins. The advantage of grapefruit is that it has a low glycemic index - after eating it, sugar is gradually released, which prevents hunger pangs.
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3. Papaya - helps remove toxins
Papaya owes its slimming effect to papain. It is an enzyme that improves the digestive process, and accelerates the burning of proteins and adipose tissue. It also helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Papaya, thanks to its beneficial effects on the digestive system, will also help with flatulence, constipation or hyperacidity.
Give it a try
Author: Time S.A
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Find out more4. Pineapple - improves digestion
The enzyme bromelain (bromelain) contained in pineapple breaks down protein, thus improving digestion. In addition, it is great for problems with cellulite, because bromelain heals the inflammatory process and thus helps to remove cellulite tissue. There is also a lot of fiber in pineapple that regulates the work of the intestines. Fresh fruits (and fewer calories) have a beneficial effect, not tinned ones.

Nutrients supporting weight loss
- Fiber- This fiber is found in every plant-based product. It absorbs water and swells in the stomach, giving you a feeling of fullness, but does not provide any calories. It also accelerates the intestinal peristalsis, thanks to which it regulates bowel movements. In addition, it prevents the accumulation of fat in the body and helps to cleanse it of toxic metabolic products. The sources of fiber are bran, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
- Calcium- numerous studies show that this element supports weight loss and prevents weight gain. It accelerates fat burning, reduces appetite, and also binds fats in the digestive tract and allows you to get rid of them from the body. The best source of calcium is milk and its products.
- Omega-3 acids- research proves that they improve metabolic processes and reduce appetite (they satisfy hunger as well as fiber). The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are oily sea fish, rapeseed oil, and linseed.
- Chromium- regulates blood sugar levels and thus suppresses the appetite for sweets. It also reduces the deposition of fats. You will find it in yeast, nuts, wheat germ, cereal grains.
If your figure resembles an apple, so the fatty tissue accumulates mainly in the abdominal area, be careful. A link has been found betweenwith a prominent belly (abdominal obesity) and the presence of many diseases such as: type 2 diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart disease. The greater the body weight, the greater the risk of colorectal cancer, uterine cancer, arthrosis, and respiratory failure.
Whether or not you need a diet is determined by one parameter - your waist circumference. When it exceeds 80 cm (94 cm in men), it indicates abdominal obesity. Take a centimeter and measure yourself at the waist. If the measurement was unfavorable, do not wait for a heart attack, just start eating wisely now and take care of your daily exercise.

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