Vegetable juices and smoothies prepared with various vegetables protect against infections, strengthen the nerves, brighten the mind, cleanse the body of toxins and even have healing properties. Vegetable juices and smoothies are satiating and provide few calories at the same time. In this way, they help to lose unnecessary kilograms. The most valuable are juices and smoothies made at home. Use our recipes and treat yourself to a vitamin bomb from liquid vegetables!
Cleansingvegetable juices and smoothiesis an injection of good energy and good calories. Fresh juices contain the most vitamins, minerals and fiber. They smell beautiful, have an intense flavor and a variety of colors. Therefore, instead of buying juice in a carton, it is better to prepare it yourself. Almost all vegetables are suitable for juice. You can compose them freely, add herbs, spices, sprouts, fruit. Season with spicy or sweet.
Vegetable smoothies taste very good. First you have to squeeze the juice of hard vegetables, and then mix it with soft ingredients - peeled tomatoes, pumpkin pieces, avocado or melon, celery leaves, parsley. The cocktail with the addition of spinach, mint or sorrel has also refreshing properties.
The advantage of homemade juices is that you can smuggle in them vegetables that you don't like or just don't eat. 1.5-2 kg of vegetables are needed to make a liter of juice. If the juice is too thick, you can add mineral water. It is best to drink the juice straight away. But in a sealed container, it will last up to several hours in the refrigerator without losing its nutritional value.

Carrot juice
Carrots are the best source of beta-carotene. Provides vitamins B, C, PP, K, also potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, cob alt, manganese. Good for the eyes, antibacterial, strengthens immunity, improves digestion. Due to the antispasmodic effect on the coronary vessels. Carrot juice is recommended for people taking dehydrating drugs. It strengthens nails and hair, improves the condition of mucous membranes, firms and nourishes the skin.
Cocktail recipe: 1/2 kg of carrots, a head of romaine lettuce, fresh ginger.
Cabbage juice
Contains vitamin C, E and beta-carotene, which protect against free radicals. It prevents cancer, heart disease andatherosclerosis and promotes the regression of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels. Recommended for duodenal ulceration. The most vitamin E is in savoy cabbage, the richest in beta-carotene is Chinese cabbage (also valued for the content of the essential amino acid - lysine). Due to the high content of vitamin C, it increases the absorption of iron, protecting against anemia. It improves the appearance of skin and hair.
Recipe for a cocktail with cabbage juice: 30 grams of any cabbage, celery, 2 apples, 1/2 bunch of dill, s alt.
Turnip juice
Contains a lot of vitamin C, a lot of PP, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, iodine. Sweet turnip juice is worth drinking during a cold, as it strengthens the body and soothes coughs. You can drill a hole, add sugar or honey, wait a few hours and use a spoon to pick it up. It strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis. It has a diuretic and choleretic effect. It tastes best when combined with other vegetables.
Recipe for a cocktail with turnip juice: 1/2 kg turnips, 1/2 kg carrots, a teaspoon of honey.
Advantages of squeezed juices
Tomato juice
A treasury of vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E. It contains vitamins K, P, B vitamins. Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron from food products, and vitamin P - the absorption of vitamin C. It provides a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc and fiber, and as much as 53 percent. water. It regulates metabolism, helps in diseases of the thyroid gland, liver and gall bladder. It inhibits the growth of microorganisms, shows antibiotic properties. Regenerates the skin and delays aging.
Tomato cocktail recipe: 1/2 kg tomatoes, 1 medium apple, 2 celery stalks, 1/2 teaspoon tabasco sauce, s alt.
Pumpkin juice
Rich in beta-carotene, vitamin E, PP, C, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, fiber and pectin. It helps to control stress, strengthens the nervous system and improves the work of the liver.
A recipe for a cocktail with pumpkin juice: 25 grams of pumpkin, 25 grams of carrots, a large apple, 1/4 teaspoon of chili.
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Beet juice
Rich in anthocyanins and flavonoids, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium. It has hematopoietic properties, soothes ailments related to the menopause, and prevents cancer. Due to the proper proportion of sodium and calcium, it is recommended for people with hypertension and cardiac arrhythmia.
Recipe for a cocktail with beetroot juice: 30 grams of beetroots, 20 grams of carrots, 2 oranges.
Lettuce juice
Contains beta-carotene (most of it in romaine lettuce), vitamins C, E, D and group B,calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese. It cleanses the body, stimulates digestion, soothes pain and calms down. It lowers blood sugar levels, improves liver function and blood circulation. Thanks to the content of phosphorus and sulfur, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and tendons.
Recipe for a cocktail with lettuce juice: 4 romaine lettuce leaves, 30 grams of carrots, a large apple, a cucumber.
Celery juice
A valuable source of potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin C, beta-carotene and B vitamins. It strengthens the nervous system and calms down. Supports the treatment of stomach ailments, bladder, rheumatism and obesity. In combination with garlic, it prevents and supports the treatment of atherosclerosis. It has a diuretic effect, prevents the formation of calcium crystals in the kidneys, regulates digestion.
Recipe for a cocktail with celery juice: 30 grams of celery, 30 grams of carrots, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 bunch of parsley, a teaspoon of honey.
Cucumber juice
Cucumbers contain 96-98 percent. water and are vitamin deficient. But they have a lot of potassium. They cleanse the body, accelerate the metabolism. Thanks to substances lowering blood sugar levels, they support the treatment of diabetes. The potassium contained in them regulates blood pressure, strengthens hair and nails. The main disadvantage of cucumbers is the presence of a strong enzyme that oxidizes vitamin C. However, due to their taste, they are added to carrot or beetroot juices.
Recipe for a cocktail with cucumber juice: 1/2 kg of cucumbers, 1/2 lemon, s alt, pepper, fresh mint leaves.

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