The plants from which groats are made became the basis of human nutrition already in the Neolithic era. Despite the fact that in recent years they have been overshadowed by potatoes, their consumption has been systematically increasing for several years. Groats regain their rightful place on our tables, and most importantly - they are no longer just an addition to meat, but the main ingredient of dishes.
Some of the groats can be eaten by people who avoid gluten. The most popular among gluten-free groats are, among others :
Oat groats
It's much less popular than oatmeal, which is a pity because it's richer in nutrients. It is a source of complex carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. It is also very rich in valuable soluble fiber in the form of beta-glucan, which slows down the absorption of fats, lowers blood sugar levels and increases the feeling of fullness. Oats have a protective effect on the mucosa of the digestive system. It lowers cholesterol and has anti-cancer properties. This groats comes in two varieties: whole grains and broken grains.
How to eat:The nutty-flavored grits are perfect for cutlets, stuffing, as the basis for a sweet breakfast or as an addition to dinner. Note: Oats in the processing process can become contaminated with gluten, so people with celiac disease and others who avoid even trace amounts of this protein should look for oat products marked as gluten-free. Most people with a gluten intolerance can eat oats.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreAmarantus
It is a relative of quinoa and … spinach - also belongs to the Amaranth family. A few years ago, almost unknown, it is gaining more and more popularity. He was the staple food of the Inca, Maya and Aztecs. Today it is widely eaten in Asia, Africa and South America. It is also grown in Poland. It is easily digestible, very rich in protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Provides antioxidants and one- andpolyunsaturated fatty acids. It lowers high blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
How to eat:Available in the form of grains or ready-to-eat popping, i.e. puffed (expanded) grains. It works well as an ingredient in salads, pies, casseroles, puddings.
We know this groats made of buckwheat grains mainly in roasted form, with an intense, distinct flavor. However, more rich in nutrients (roasting destroys about 50% of vitamins), and more universal is unroasted buckwheat. It has a creamy color with greenish reflections and a delicate, slightly sweet taste. It contains a lot of protein, fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Provides folic acid and vitamin E.
How to eat:Unroasted porridge works well in both dry and sweet dishes. After soaking raw groats, you can make pancakes or bread (recipe below).
It is made from millet, a gluten-free grain. It is a good source of protein and complex carbohydrates, fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins E and B, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and lecithin. As one of the few cereal products, it is alkaline, so it counterbalances the negative, acid-producing effects of such products as meat, dairy products, sugar or white flour products. Millet is rich in silicon, which is essential for he althy skin, hair and nails, but also prevents atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol, and plays an important role in bone mineralization and prevents bone decalcification. It is easily digestible and works well during convalescence, providing the necessary nutrients.
How to eat:The low taste of this groats is an advantage! Thanks to it, it works as a basis for meatless burgers and pates, in soups, salads (with pesto and other sauces), as well as desserts (e.g. millet pudding) and sweet breakfasts (with fresh and dried fruit, nuts and cinnamon).
The increasingly valued quinoa comes from South America. The great advantage of quinoa is that it provides proteins in the form of all exogenous amino acids. It is also rich in omega-3 acids, magnesium, calcium (it has more than milk), phosphorus, manganese, vitamins A, C, E and B group. Quinoa seeds contain saponins that protect the plant against pests, so you do not have to use chemical protective measures. In addition, they have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties and stimulate the immune system. Quinoa is easily digestible and has a low indexglycemic, therefore it is suitable for diabetics.
Jak to eat : It comes in different varieties, in Poland you can buy the most popular white, as well as red and black. The former is the fastest to cook and is soft after cooking, the darker varieties remain tougher, which is why they are great for salads. Slightly crunchy, with a nutty flavor, it is a good substitute for other groats, rice or breakfast cereals, it works well in cutlets.
Corn grits
Made from hulled and cut corn kernels. This fine semolina is inferior to the nutrient content of other groats, but it is worthwhile to diversify the menu with it. Provides complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin A and selenium. It has similar properties to semolina, but unlike semolina, it does not contain gluten. It is easily digestible, delicate and universal.
How to eat : It is suitable for thickening soups and sauces, it is also the main ingredient of polenta.
This still little known pseudo-cereal, also known as Abyssinian love, comes from Africa. This is the staple of the diet of Ethiopian marathon runners. This plant is very resistant to weather conditions and diseases, so it can be grown in areas unsuitable for the cultivation of cereals. Teff is rich in protein, fiber, calcium (about 123 mg in a glass of cooked groats), iron, and folic acid. It has a low glycemic index. These beans are small, ranging in color from milky white to black, and have a low flavor. You can buy Teff in the form of whole grains, but also flakes and flour.
How to eat:It is suitable for soups, pates, for dinner instead of pasta or rice, as a substitute for cereals.
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