Symptoms of food allergy in an infant may appear in the first weeks of life. It turns out that the mother's food can also sensitize the infant, which reacts allergically to what she ate. What are the symptoms of a baby's food allergy?

The symptoms of food allergy in the infantmay appear even if the infant is only fed mother's milk. This is because the allergens to which the baby is sensitive pass into the milk. What are the symptoms of a baby's food allergy?

Food allergy in an infant: symptoms

  • rash - occurs when allergens pass through the mucosa, red spots and oozing lumps appear on the baby's mouth and on the skin around the elbows and knee bends, the skin is dry and rough, and the baby becomes tearful and anxious
  • diarrhea - large amounts of mucus are produced in the intestines, causing the baby to suffer from persistent diarrhea (with some mucus or blood), colic, heavy pouring and vomiting
  • runny nose and wheezing - swelling of the nasal mucosa causes watery runny nose and wheezing, i.e. shortness of breath caused by swelling of the nasal mucosa

Food allergy in an infant: diagnosis

Diagnosing an infant's allergy is not easy. Usually, the doctor asks the mother to write down what she is eating and to observe the baby, and often this simple method is enough to find out what is sensitizing the baby and what the mother should not eat. However, if this method does not bring the expected results, you must perform blood tests for specific antibodies and the so-called provocation test. It is usually performed in the second month of a child's life. The test must be performed under close medical supervision and lasts 10 days. It consists in introducing small amounts of cow's milk into the child's diet. The first symptom of an allergy is digestive disorders, i.e. abnormal stools (containing mucus or even blood), and there may also be heavy pouring and vomiting.

What could rash mean in babies? Check! [TOWIDEO]

Food allergy in an infant: formula

When the pediatrician recognizes an allergy, he will prescribe a special formula. You canbuy them only at a pharmacy, and only with a prescription. Give the mixture to the child lukewarm, because when warmed up it has a much more intense taste and smell. If the baby is allergic to cows' milk protein, he or she is given a special milk, so-called. high degree hydrolyzate. It is a prescription drug in which the allergenic properties of cow's milk proteins have been completely removed. An infant with a severe food allergy, which can lead to a state of malnutrition and rapid weight loss, should be fed a special elemental mixture. It contains a mixture of amino acids which are the basic building blocks of proteins. Elemental mixture is also administered when the child reacts badly to high-grade hydrolyzate.

Food allergies in children

Food allergies in children, according to research, bother every tenth of them. The youngest often inherit them from their parents, but the risk of a food allergy in a child can also be minimized. What are the symptoms of a food allergy in a child? What is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance? Listen to our expert - dietitian Agnieszka Piskała.
