Genital warts are genital warts. Condylomas are formed when HPV - Human papilloma virus) enters the body. This virus causes warts on the genitals. How is the acuminata treatment performed?

Genital wartsare flat or convexwartsthat are located not only outside the genitals, but also inside (e.g. in women - in the vagina and on the cervix) and around the anus. In men - on the glans, in the perineum and around the anus, and even inside the urethra. The condylomas are small, the size of rice grains, but they can stick together to form larger growths, even several centimeters high. They appear 2-3 months after intercourse with an infected person

How to detect genital warts

The doctor usually makes a diagnosis during a general or gynecological examination. When the warts are invisible to the naked eye, you can cover the suspicious areas with acetic acid. Since genital warts can lead to squamous cell carcinoma, a thorough gynecological examination is necessary in women. In addition, colposcopy and pap smear are performed to check the type and extent of the lesions.

Drug treatment of condylomas

Pharmacological treatment consists of topical application of ointments with agents that inhibit cell division (cytostatics, including 5% 5-fluorouracil ointment, bleomycin, cisplatin, methotrexate) or creams containing podophyllotoxin or its alcoholic solution. inducing an immune response (interferon alpha injected into lesions), drugs containing imiquimod.

Surgical treatment of condylomas

Condylomas are usually removed by coagulating, freezing with liquid nitrogen or cutting with a laser. In extreme cases, a partial vulvectomy may be necessary. However, removing them does not guarantee that they will not come back - whoever becomes infected with HPV becomes its carrier for the rest of their lives.


Note! Condylomas are sometimes an indication for caesarean section. The point is to prevent your baby from becoming infected during the delivery.

Papilloma virus is suspected of causing cervical cancer, so women who had genital warts (especially those located in the cervix) must undergo cytology after recoveryevery six months.

Where to go for help

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is free. It is enough to come to the skin and venereology clinic. You do not need to use the local clinic. Helpline "W": (22) 629 79 77 (open daily from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.) AIDS helpline: (22) 622 50 01 (24 hours a day) Helpline for people living with HIV / AIDS : (22) 628 32 85 (Mon-Fri, 9 am-3pm)

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