In a he althy woman, vaginal discharge has a neutral smell and does not irritate the intimate areas. When it causes various ailments and stains underwear, it can signal an illness.

For many women, moisture in an intimate place is embarrassing and disturbing. Meanwhile, it is rarely dry there, becausevaginaproduces about 700 mlof secretionsper month. It is acidic and almost odorless. And whether we like it or not - it is an integral part of female physiology.

Vaginal discharge never the same

Physiological vaginal discharge changes throughout the menstrual cycle - it is controlled by hormones. Depending on which dominant, it takes on a different appearance. At the beginning of phase I of the cycle, it is either absent or it is a small amount of watery fluid. Over time, it turns into clear, transparent and slightly malleable mucus. It is only when estrogen levels begin to rise that the glands in the cervix release a lot of mucus, which is very malleable. It looks like raw chicken egg white. It proves the woman's body is ready for fertilization. Because one in three women has periovulatory spotting, the mucus sometimes has blood in it. After ovulation, the discharge changes. It becomes unstretchable, gray-white, flocculent and dense. He keeps this look until the menstrual period.


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Profuse vaginal discharge - intimate he alth barometer

Women who have so much vaginal discharge that they have to wear panty liners believe they have vaginal discharge. Meanwhile, excess moisture in the intimate place does not have to be disturbing. In ladies who have high estrogen levels, this is normal. So when do we have to worry? When vaginal discharge differs from the physiological one in color, smell, consistency, it turns into vaginal discharge. They most often signal inflammation of the lower genital tract, caused by disturbances in the vaginal ecosystem caused by infection with bacteria, yeasts (fungi), protozoa or - rarely - viruses. In addition to vaginal discharge, it may be accompanied by redness and swelling of the vulva, burning, itching in placesintimate, sometimes pain during intercourse or urinating. However, the listed symptoms of inflammation are sometimes identical, regardless of the etiological factor of the infection, and each of them is often treated differently. Therefore, instead of self-treatment, it is better to go to the gynecologist. Describing the appearance of vaginal discharge will make it easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis.


Causes of abnormal secretions

Vaginal discharge can also occur with:

  • chlamydiosis- if it shows symptoms; then vaginal discharge is not accompanied by itching, burning and redness of the vulva and vagina, but there may be spotting between menstruation, burning when urinating;
  • atrophic vaginitis , which occurs in postmenopausal women, in vaginal atrophy in women during the puerperium, treated for endometriosis, menstrual disorders, and in those with the ovary is damaged (e.g. as a result of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy);
  • herpes infectiongenital herpes (HSV2) or shingles;
  • glandular ectopy , wrongly called erosion because it is a replacement of the squamous epithelium covering the cervical disc with glandular epithelium lining its canal;
  • allergies , e.g. to intimate hygiene products, condoms, but in this case swelling is the main symptom.

Vaginal discharge as a result of vaginal trichomoniasis - trichomoniasis

Vaginal discharge is foaming, mucous, with a brown-greenish color and an unpleasant, putrefying smell. They strongly irritate the mucous membranes and skin, hence the burning sensation and sometimes itching. It is caused by infection with the protozoanTrichomonas vaginalis(trichomoniasis), most often during intercourse, but also as a result of sharing towels, soaps, and the same toilet. The therapy involves the use of preparations containing metronidazole or tinidazole. They are taken in a single large dose or in less for 7 days. These drugs are administered orally. Topically, vaginal tablets or cream with clotrimazole or metronidazole are used. Treatment of the partner is obligatory. However, you should pay attention to whether the other family members do not complain about ailments in intimate places. During the treatment, you should scrupulously follow the rules of hygiene, disinfect toilet seats, bathtubs, use separate soaps and towels.

Vaginitis Yeast

The appearance of vaginal discharge depends on the type of yeast. Most often it is a watery suspension with lumps. There is also a dense and uniform or watery discharge. The color varies from white through yellow to greenish-brown. Smellvaginal discharge is neutral or slightly acidic. 80-90% of yeasts responsible for vaginitis and vulvitis and related vaginal discharge. cases are of the genusCandida albicians(part of the normal vaginal ecosystem). Most often they do not cause any ailments, but when the microbiological balance of the vagina is disturbed, they start an invasion. When symptoms appear 1-2 times a year, therapy with oral or topical anti-yeast drugs is used. It takes 3 to 7 days. In the recurrent form of vaginitis, both ways of administering drugs are often used, the dose of the fungicide is increased and the treatment time is extended to 8-14 days. The treatment should be supported with oral gynecological probiotics. After that, anti-yeast treatment is recommended once a week for 6-9 months to maintain the effects of the therapy. The treatment should be supported with oral gynecological probiotics with selected strains of lactobacilli. In the initial period of therapy, they are used every day for 42 days, and then every month for 7 days before and 7 days after menstruation. Probiotics restore normal vaginal microflora, which prevents fungi from transforming into forms capable of colonizing the vaginal wall.

Vaginal discharge from bacterial vaginosis

Vaginal discharge is usually watery, milky white. They have a specific fishy smell. They irritate the skin, which is why the vulva and anus area are often red and swollen. They may be accompanied by itching of the vagina and vulva. Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginal discharge. It is the result of disturbance of the vaginal ecosystem, which is made up of several hundred species of bacteria and yeasts. Lactobacilli (bacteria) should dominate the vaginal discharge. They keep anaerobic pathogens that cause inflammation in check. However, in some situations (e.g. sexual intercourse, use of tampons, weakened immunity, antibiotic therapy), the amount of lactobacilli decreases, and then pathogenic bacteria multiply rapidly. Treatment with oral (preferred) or vaginal preparations containing metronidazole, clotrimazole or clindamycin is then necessary. The therapy lasts for 7 days. In some women, it is sometimes necessary to use oral and vaginal medications at the same time. In addition, it is recommended to take dietary supplements with selected strains of lactobacilli - they play an important role in restoring the correct bacterial flora of the vagina, which prevents recurrence of the disease.

You must do it

6 tips to avoid trouble

  1. Take probiotics with lactobacilli during treatmentantibiotics and in moments of decreased immunity.
  2. If you do not have a regular partner, make sure the man uses a condom.
  3. Do not buy perfumed toilet paper as it can cause allergies.
  4. Change tampons, pads and pads frequently.
  5. Wear breathable cotton underwear.
  6. Use intimate hygiene fluids with a neutral or acidic pH for washing.
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