Do you want to check if your child is taking drugs? You can do one of several tests. How to detect drugs in hair, saliva or urine? And what is the pupil behavior test?
You can buy drug tests in saliva and urineat a pharmacy or online. If you want drug test results in your hair, you'll need to send a sample of them to a lab. Knowing what drug you want to detect is essential information when buying a test.
Pupil behavior test
Before you go to the pharmacy, you can have the pupil of the eye tested. How to do it?
- put the child near a strong light source
- cover his eyes tightly with your hand
- take your hand quickly after a dozen or so seconds
If the child's pupils did not respond to the change in light (did not shrink), it means that the child is under the influence of drugs. Moreover, if a child does not instill any medications, his pupils will be enlarged under the influence of marijuana, amphetamines and barbiturates, and under the influence of heroin their pupils will be reduced.
Saliva drug test
The saliva drug test involves taking a saliva sample using a special probe attached to the test kit and (after the time specified in the manual) reading the result in the form of colored lines on the test panel.
Urine drug test
The urine drug test is best done unannounced when the child seems to be under the influence of drugs. To make sure that your child is not cheating, you need to carefully monitor your baby's urine flow to prevent possible falsifications.
Drug test in hair
The drug drug test for hair detects drug use even after a few months, provided the hair is long enough. The hair drug test does not provide information about drug use immediately after taking the drug, because it takes at least a week for drugs to build up into the hair structure. The hair test checks the presence of amphetamines, opiates, cannabinoids and heroin. In case of a positive result, the exact type of substance used is specified.
Drug tests: how long do they take effect?
Whether or not a drug is detected depends on the type of test, the drug used, and the time it is metabolized in the body.
- THC (marijuana, hashish) can be detected in saliva for up to 72 hours after use. The presence of the marijuana metabolite (THC) in urine or blood is detected within an hour and for 3 to 10 days after taking the drug.
- The presence of amphetamines in the body can be found 4-72 hours after taking.
- The presence of the metabolite benzylgonine can be detected from 24 to 48 hours. after taking cocaine. Benzylgonine has a longer half-life in the body (5-8 hours) than cocaine (0.5-1.5 hours).
- The presence of morphine can be detected from 7-72 hours. Codeine can be detected within an hour and 7 to 21 hours after taking a single oral dose.
- Hair tests can detect drug use even after several months.