An egocentric is a person who puts himself at the center of the world. Check what features a typical egocentric person has and how such a man finds himself in a relationship. Learn how to deal with the self-centered relationship and learn the difference between the self-centered and the selfish!
Egocentric- this word comes from Latin and is a combination of two phrases: "ego", that is me, and "center", that is, the center.Egocentricis a person who focuses primarily on himself and evaluates the world around him only through the prism of his own observations.
Egocentric - features:
- overly concerned with himself, e.g. with personal experiences;
- he often overestimates himself, glorifying himself;
- underestimates the opinion of others / marginalizes someone else's opinion;
- does not take into account the point of view of outsiders;
- can be snobby;
- can be egotistical;
- is often selfish;
- perceives other people as inferior;
- imposes his will on others;
- exaggerates the harm or unpleasantness experienced by the environment;
- considered unique;
- has problems coping with stressful situations;
- has a demanding attitude towards the world;
- believes that it is natural to use the help of others excessively and profit from it;
- is oversensitive (very emotional) about issues that directly affect him.
Ways to fight egocentrism, or how to deal with it
In a situation where you want to blame the world for the harm that happened to you on a given day, isolate yourself for a moment, calm down and breathe deeply. Once you have calmed down your body, think carefully about the situation. Analyze whether you were really at fault in the event that hit you. If there is a high probability that you will still be biased by your distorted picture of reality - talk to someone close to you about it. It can be a friend, sister, brother, or even a psychologist if you find it easier to express yourself with a stranger.
In a situation where you come to the conclusion that you cannot deal with egocentrism yourself, try to find a recommended clinic in which there arepsychotherapy classes. The set of techniques that are used during its application is aimed at making a person with problems more aware of what their cause is and what causes it. In psychology, more and more psychotherapeutic techniques are developed to help just such people. One of their areas is cognitive therapy. It is based on the fact that the interested person thoroughly learns all the mechanisms that guide egocenters (and the characteristics of these people), and then gradually eliminates them from his life.
Worth knowingDoes self-centeredness heal?
In some cases, egocentrism may be caused by neurosis. This mental disorder is treatable. Usually, it is a long-term process and requires, first of all, the patient's realization of the actual state of affairs. Often, however, egocentricians do not notice the problem, classically blaming the world for all the harm that befalls them. This type of self-centeredness is easier to treat than a disorder caused by self-esteem and the so-called self-love that is born in early childhood.
Egocentric in a relationship
The huge self-centeredness of self-centered people makes it very difficult for them to create lasting and, above all, happy relationships. However, it does not rule them out. Many lovers tolerate self-centeredness in their partner and, additionally, try to adapt their behavior to their expectations. However, such a situation requires sacrifices on both sides. Every egocentric, despite his natural developmental attitude (mental and moral), should be aware that the partner's opinion should also be taken into account in a relationship. A person who has been overlooked and disregarded for a long time may choose to end a relationship in which he or she does not feel appreciated.
How to deal with an egocentric person?
It is difficult to pinpoint a golden mean that would be the perfect answer to how to deal with the egocentric. All because each person is different. There are a range of common characteristics that are attributed to people with self-centeredness. However, not everyone to change themselves will be motivated by the same actions.
If your partner is self-centered, try to introduce as many behaviors as possible into your relationship, which will become habits over time and will not aggravate your quarrels, but will lead to conversation and joint analysis of the resulting disagreements. These reactions include, among others :
- peace as a response to aggression- when the egocentric thinks only about himself, instead of exploding anger, explain to the loved one that you are also part of your life together and also wantso that your needs are taken into account.
- conversation with an egocentric person- if the egocentrism of a loved one results from a drastically underestimated or overstated self-esteem, talk about it long and systematically with the person concerned. Find an idea of how to make her have a more objective view of the world. It is best to regularly monitor the progress of the implemented activities with her, by observing her simplest behaviors.
Egocentryk a egoista
Egocentrism is often identified with selfish people because its main premise is to put yourself at the center of the world. Of course, an egocentric can be selfish as well, but not always.
Egocentricians refer to their person everything that happens around them. Including family, work and the like. They think that they are in the center of interest of the environment and that they also function on that basis. They often do not notice the real picture of the world, lose themselves in utopian imaginations in which they have a real impact on everything and everyone.
Egoism, on the other hand, consists in the fact that a man with this character trait accepts his good (even achieved at the expense of others) as the main principle in his life. During a conflict of interest, the egoist will always choose the solution that proves to be in his favor. However, such people have a more real / objective view of the world than self-centered people. However, it is much more difficult to recognize them in the company or a larger group of people.