You can easily accept an oversized nose, protruding ears or a bald spot on the top of your head. But if you are not satisfied with the size of your penis - you feel disadvantaged by fate. And although you are most often wrong, you think that your greatest masculine attribute has been taken away from you. Is the penis size really as important as men think?
All civilizations gave special reverence to female and male sexual organs. As a rule, the penis was depicted in unnaturally large forms, which for centuries has led to the belief thatpenis sizeis a proof of strength and fitness.
In medical and sexology textbooks you can find the normspenis size , which is assumed to be 12 to 16 cm long when erect. Sexologists believe, however, that the secret of successful intercourse does not depend on the size of the penis, but on the technique of intercourse.
Women experience orgasms in different ways. For those who enjoy clitoral orgasm (70% of all women), the size of the partner's penis is of little importance. But even those who have vaginal orgasms by teasing the secret G-spot don't always care about the length of their penis. The G-spot is 1/3 of the length of the vagina, on its front wall (the average length of the vagina is only 8-10 cm), so even a small penis can reach it.
Micropenis - congenital male defect
If the cells in the fetal life do not allow for the proper development of the penis, the boy is born from the so-called micropenis. The cause may be genetic or chromosomal disorders and - which is the most common - lack of the so-called hormonal discharge in male fetuses between 10 and 20 weeks of age in the womb. However, this happens quite rarely. A micropenis is considered to be between 5 and 7 cm in size when erect. But it really doesn't have to be a life problem! There are many men who, despite their small size, have started families and are happy. They make their intercourse more attractive by using various types of extenders, which you can easily buy in most sex shops.
Penis size - is the penis really too small?
If you have no sexual experience and decide to be maturea woman or one who has given birth, you may find that your penis is too small. After all, there were no problems during intercourse. You will convince yourself that you have failed to meet your partner's expectations, that you have failed. If you do not consult a sexologist in such a situation, the lack of adequate knowledge about a woman's physiology will lead to serious mental problems. And it is enough to know that in a mature woman, the vagina is moistened and opened faster, even before intercourse. Hence, an inexperienced man may become convinced that his penis is too small to satisfy his partner, because he reached his destination without any problems. After all, nothing happened by force, there was no expected overcoming of the resistance of matter. In this case, you take the blame.
Meanwhile, it is a normal and physiological phenomenon. The vagina adjusts to the size of the penis, it can stretch more or less, so the man does not always feel tight, as if tight, against its walls. Lack of this knowledge will cause you to worry, but it happens when a young man enters the world of eroticism unprepared. Go to the doctor! After one visit to the sexologist's office, you will dispel all your fears! It is the lack of difficulties in having sex that proves that you are attractive to each other, that you fit in in every way.
Penis size - medications
Dissatisfied with the size of their own penis, they look for miraculous measures to eliminate an imaginary defect. In pharmacies, various pharmacological preparations are available that significantly improve erection and are used to treat potency disorders. However, these are not drugs for penis enlargement. The most commonly used are preparations from the group of prostoglandins (alprostadin) or other preparations (viagra, uprima, ciaris, levitra), which temporarily improve its efficiency. Their main task is to produce a proper erection, and it must be added that it is also a kind of training, conducive to penis enlargement. These measures help to achieve a state similar to a natural erection, and therefore they help to stretch the vessels and increase the size of the penis.
There are also herbal preparations (ginzen) that can help you achieve a full erection. However, you must remember that you can use them only after consulting your doctor. Taking them is not indifferent to the body, and sometimes it can even cause serious cardiological complications. You have probably heard more than once about disorders caused by the abuse of, for example, Viagra. Using the preparations available in the bazaars is unwise. The tinctures and ointments sold there are poorly cleaned and can harm you or lead to inflammation of your organs.
It turns out that men, whom nature has endowed too generously, also have problems with the penis size. Contrary to popular belief, women avoid sexual intercourse with men whose penis exceeds 20-25 cm. A relationship with such a man is an unpleasant and painful sensation, it gives no pleasure. Therefore, these gentlemen are looking for methods to reduce the size of the body.
Penis size - exercises will help
If you do not believe medical assurances that your penis is normal and properly built - exercise. Regular intercourse, i.e. sexual activity itself, will contribute to increasing the length and thickness of the penis. However, do not count on achieving extraordinary results. All you can expect is 2-3 cm more. The penis has muscles in its structure, so the gymnastics, which will be sexual intercourse, will contribute to their development. Just like you are exercising your arm or leg muscles, you can also exercise your penis. If you are still lonely - use petting or water massage. There are many types of exercises to help you.
Their main purpose is to increase the amount of blood flowing to the penis. In this way, the volume of the spongy tissue, of which it is composed, will systematically and gradually increase. The main feature of this tissue is the ability to change its volume under the influence of blood flowing into it. During training, more and more blood flows into the corpus cavernosum of this tissue, making the penis larger and stronger. There are three areas that do this. Two larger areas of tissue (Corpora Cavernosa) run along the length of the penis, a smaller area (Corpus Spongisum) at its base and also includes the urethra. When you get excited, the brain directs blood into the corpus cavernosum, which fills the tissue and causes the penis to enlarge and stiffen. At the same time, the outflow of blood is reduced due to the partial closure of small sphincters in the veins. Then the blood pressure rises and this allows you to maintain an erection for some time. At rest, the male penis contains 30-50 milliliters of blood, and during a full erection, as much as 300 milliliters flows into it, which can even be associated with the feeling of significant pain.
You must do itInstead of pestering yourself with the size of your penis, take care of the atmosphere and the mood in which there is a rapprochement with your partner. After all, it is a woman who judges what you can do and whether you meet her expectations. The decisive criterion here is not the size of the member, but the feelings that connect you and whether you are able to establish correct, intimate partnerships. After all, you can support yourself with various forms of petting, use interesting techniquesintercourse that will deepen your relationship. The myth about the importance of penis size disappears with sexual experience.
Many women openly say that they care more about the way a man treats them than outward sexual perfection. Of course, there are also women who choose partners richly endowed by nature. However, over time, they too come to the conclusion that this does not guarantee satisfaction. Macho from a bodybuilding magazine may be the object of sighs, but do his psyche, knowledge and skills of coexistence always equal the ideal shape of the figure? Folk wisdom says "invalid wand, valid wizard." It is worth remembering.
Penis size - penis enlargement surgery
In extreme cases of sexual failure caused by a small penis, the only salvation may be surgery. Urologists who know best the anatomy of this part of the male body specialize in this. Modern medicine has many repair techniques. One of them is injecting silicone into the penis, which allows it to be extended and thickened by a few centimeters. However, you must know that such a procedure must be repeated, because the silicone is absorbed over time.
Some people may treat themselves to a classic surgical operation, but this also leads to only a few centimeters magnification (3 - 4 cm). Exceeding this limit may cause urological disorders. The newest method of surgical penis extension is the implantation of silicone membranes, from which new cavernous bodies are formed, as if new, artificial blood containers.
See also: Ways to enlarge the penis
Surgery also comes in handy when the penis is damaged during a traffic accident. Restoration operations are being carried out with increasing success. There are also new hopes for increasing progress in the field of external male genital transplantation. Surgeons make such attempts more and more often, and some of them are fully successful. The possibility of artificially culturing the external genitalia from stem cells is also considered. Incredible as it sounds, US scientists are already very close to their destination. It is not yet known whether the sizes and shapes of penises thus obtained will satisfy male vanity. Today, the issue of restoring organs, lost in accidents, comes to the fore.
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