You don't have to flex like the best gymnasts in the world to feel the satisfaction of having sex. All you need to do is apply a few new tricks in old, well-known positions. Small changes will chase boredom out of the bedroom and provide an amazing experience.
Here are some ardent ideas to spice up your sex that you should try out in your bedroom. All of them are based on classic positions, but each of them, with a slight modification, can be a source of completely new experiences.
Rider position differently
Start in the rider position, but instead of sitting, crouch over him. To keep your balance, you can hold his hips or put your hands on his torso. Now slowly raise and lower your hips, stuffing yourself on him and out. At some point, move out of it as much as possible, so that only its tip is in you and caress your breasts alternately with your clitoris. Or start massaging his testicles.
And when you start riding him again, only slide his penis halfway inside you. Then stop by squeezing your vaginal muscles tightly on it. So that he really feels that he is in your possession. Then, by relaxing your muscles, let it slide all the way in.
"Reverse cowgirl" position
From the "on the rider" position, go to the "inverted cowgirl" (turn 180 degrees), but so that he does not slip out of you. This way you will experience new sensations, and he will be able to stimulate subsequent parts of your body with his fingers. And you'll give him new excitement by tickling the extremely sensitive strap between the perineum and anus.
Variable sitting position
Go to the next position. This time sitting. Wrap your legs around his hips and ask him to wrap his hips around you. Then, have him slide his hands under your buttocks and lift you up and down. Of course, with a penis inside. To make you even hotter, hug him with your whole body as tightly as possible and blow his neck a little bit of air from your parted lips.
Rear swinging position with hip swing
And now the "doggy style" position. Normally you do it in such a way that you move in a forward-backward rhythm. This time, let him keep this rhythm while you sway your hips side to side. This way his penis will penetrate more sensitive peopleplaces in your vagina. He can also swing his hips side to side every few movements - and in this case such unstable movements, both yours and his, will only increase the sensations.
Standing caresses
Finally, ask him to sit on the bed with his back against its railing or wall. Stand above him slightly apart, facing him, placing your feet on either side of his hips. And let him caress you with his mouth, and you will have an amazing orgasm. Because in this position, when you stand, more blood flows to your genitals, which means you are more sensitive to stimuli.