- Types of facial expressions
- Facial expressions: what can be read from the eyes?
- If you can't stand face to face with someone …
- Facial expressions: what can be read from the eyebrows
- Facial expressions: what the lips express
- Facial expressions: read from the forehead
- Smile therapy
- Nose has a voice
Even if you want to hide what you're thinking by controlling your tongue and body, your face might give you away anyway. However, it is possible to control the facial expressions, although only partially. Find out how much you can read on the face.
The impression a newly met person makes on us is usually shaped in just 10 seconds! During this short period of time, we look at her face, then discreetly examine (from top to bottom) the entire figure and, looking up searchingly, return to her face. It is she who best reflects the personality of a person. And she is revealed by every grimace, every face …
We do not always know why we immediately liked someone or felt aversion to them, we showed trust or the lack of them - because we follow our instincts, we react intuitively to the signals that their body sends us. The face is the most expressive - it shows all our emotional states: happiness, sadness, regret, anger, bitterness, dissatisfaction, hope, fear, anxiety, pain. That is why - as confirmed by research - the face is the main center of non-verbal communication. It tells about the positive or negative attitude of the interlocutor. It also gives subtle hints as to how that person might act in the future.
You are not able to discover someone else's feelings within 10 seconds - because the face can also be a mask under which people hide real emotions. Mimicry serves two purposes: expressing our feelings and opinions and influencing others.
Types of facial expressions
There are two types of facial expressions: long-lasting, such as a smile or a worried expression, and fleeting, flashing across your face. The latter are difficult to notice because they last for fractions of a second, but they always reveal the most intimate emotions that people often don't want to show. However, by observing your interlocutor carefully, you can learn a lot of valuable information about him. Does he care what you say? Would you like to contact me? Maybe he prefers to avoid confrontation or withhold information? Or maybe - he is just - lying to his living eyes? You will learn it without words if you learn the secrets of facial expressions. Thanks to this skill, you will not only improve your relationships with others, but also your image in their eyes.
Facial expressions: what can be read from the eyes?
We say there is truth in the eyes. The fact that we treat them as a means of communication is also evidencedsay: "stand face to face with someone", "open someone's eyes", "have eyes wide" or "wink at someone". Through eye contact, we transmit - whether we like it or not - a lot of signals. Boldly staring into the interlocutor's eyes may be a harbinger of an attack. But it can also mean a mutual fascination between two people.
Anger causes an instant narrowing of the eyes, fear - immobility, excitement - rapid changes in the direction of gaze.
If you are emotionally aroused by what you see, your pupils dilate so you can see even more. This happens both when you like the view very much and when it bothers you, because you become distrustful and want to investigate a potential threat.
The constricted pupils reveal that you are looking at something you don't like, or at someone who is completely indifferent to you. If you like someone, you won't be able to hide it - your enlarging pupils will reveal you. You can't control it. Interestingly, however, such a reaction is very flattering to your interlocutor: he sees in your eyes a sincere interest in him (e.g. work, beauty, hobbies), which increases his self-esteem. You become much more attractive to him, precisely because … you noticed his attractiveness.
A face to face conversation reveals how well you know your interlocutor and how well your relationships are. It is a sign of attention, interest, need for interaction, and an indication of your attitude and emotions. If you keep eye contact with each other all the time, you communicate to each other the message: "I am honest, reliable and I strive for open communication, without any overtones." But it is not about staring at yourself in the eye all the time! Wander your gaze, taking him from your partner to the environment - let your eyes meet for 2-3 seconds, not longer. Glare is considered - and in all cultures - as aggressive, rude, fearful or anxious behavior. Only young children are allowed to do this openly and without causing suspicion. This attitude may even indicate a desire for aggression or direct confrontation - especially if your interlocutor's pupils are getting smaller and smaller. So if you want to make sure that the conversation takes place in a friendly atmosphere, keep eye contact with your partner for 2/3 of the time. Well, unless you want to show him who's in charge, take over him …
This will be useful to youIf you can't stand face to face with someone …
Contrary to appearances, avoiding eye contact also betrays your intentionsinterlocutors. It can be a sign of his sadness, shame, embarrassment, dishonesty, as well as a lack of interest or a sense of security. If someone does not meet your eyes, constantly looks away, does not feel well with you or the subject of the conversation is difficult for them. Note that you do this yourself when you talk to someone with a higher social status, feel depressed, or don't like your interlocutor. What signals are you sending him then? If you frequently lower your eyes, staring at the floor, the interlocutor perceives you as shy, sad or … submissive.
Facial expressions: what can be read from the eyebrows
A quick eyebrow lift is a sign of surprise. The eyes open wide so you can clearly see what is happening, and the eyebrows rise to make it easier for you. This is also the way we react when we want to attract someone's attention or sympathy. By raising your eyebrows, you show the interlocutor that you are not a threat to him. This gesture can also indicate disbelief or interest in the conversation. Raising just one eyebrow - a slight surprise, understanding or curiosity. If this movement is slow, it lasts a few seconds and is accompanied by a tilted head, signals resistance, opposition, protest. Then the face gives the message: "I am surprised by your behavior." If you raise your eyebrows, lower your head and eyelids, simultaneously pressing your lips together, slightly turning your body over, you will express even stronger disapproval: "I want to break all contact with you." A person who is angry may react in two ways: open their eyes wide and either raise or lower their eyebrows. In both of these cases it is also a clear attitude of readiness for confrontation.
Facial expressions: what the lips express
It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. A smile is also a smile - with the only difference that it can be … a crooked mirror. This is what we most often use to mask our true feelings and hide our emotions. You can deceive anyone this easy - as long as they don't look deep into your eyes. Because a real, sincere smile begins … in the eyes.
Biting your lips with your teeth indicates nervousness, fear or anxiety. Children often do this when they feel they have done something wrong and expect a reprimand for their behavior. We also say that someone purses their lips when they avoid talking or refuse to divulge some information. But it can also be his expression of disapproval, sometimes even dislike of the interlocutor. Pressed lips convey the message: "I do not approve of what you do (say), but I'm not going to say anything about it." We also often tighten our lips when we are deeply immersed in thought - usually we are of thatcompletely unaware.
Lips are also used to make sensual gestures. If a woman pours her lips permanently, she becomes more sexually attractive to men because she suggests - even unconsciously - that she is constantly ready for sex. According to anthropologists, female lips symbolize moist female genitalia and full readiness for mating.
Sending a kiss is not always a banal expression of affection for a person we care about or like, or a sign of goodbye. We also make this gesture to prevent a possible quarrel, because it suggests that we have peaceful intentions towards our opponent. On the other hand, showing the tongue is not only a childish way of showing dislike or contempt, it can also have an erotic overtone - it is then a very bold, attacking and lascivious gesture.
Facial expressions: read from the forehead
A slightly furrowed forehead with fine horizontal furrows often means that you are thinking about something you have seen. He thinks in pictures. The frowning reflex can be momentary, almost imperceptible, and is usually accompanied by a slight lifting of the eyes. As if someone suddenly associated something, connected it, understood it. A person who thinks often in pictures tends to have permanent forehead furrows, much earlier than aging lines, even though the rest of their face is still smooth.
This will be useful to youSmile therapy
A real, sincere smile is always symmetrical and begins in the eyes. The fake only appears on the lips and disappears from the face either too slowly or too quickly. Submissive people smile so at the dominant. We smile at the people we see for the first time in the same way. Unfortunately, even a sincere, but too broad smile (revealing teeth) may be badly received - for example during a job interview. If you smile like this during business negotiations, your interlocutors may not understand the reasons for your satisfaction or become suspicious of you.
Nose has a voice
He also reveals how we feel. Literally! Nostrils open and close in response to the smell. So when you smell the food, you will either reveal the message "it smells delicious, it makes me drool" or on the contrary, "something awful, how can you eat it!" Even if your lips say a compliment, your nose will tell you that you don't mean that at all. How? It will grow - just like with Pinocchio. And this is not a joke at all! When you lie, blood flows to your nose - making it appear longer. It starts to itch, so you rub it a lot. It is a testimony that someone is not true. Here, howevercaution is advised: you can have a runny nose! However, if something tells you that your partner is not being honest with you, pay attention to the gestures his whole body is sending out. Broken eye contact, stiff hand movements, tension, increased sweating and too careful choice of words confirm your doubts. And then your face will express what you really think about the liars … No unnecessary words …
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