Parsnips is making a comeback mainly due to its nutritional value and unique properties. It contains rare but valuable coumarin compounds that improve digestion. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and relaxant effect. Parsnips are a rich source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B vitamins, including folic acid.
Pasternakreigned on Polish tables for centuries, it was only replaced by Italians, brought by Bona. But in recent years, the number of parsnips has grown again, because its uniquenutritional values andhealing propertieshas proven to be a valuable raw material for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.
The parsnip root is deceptively similar to parsley, but the taste is more similar to that of carrots. While in the past, mainly the underground part of this plant was used, now also fruits are used, which are also seeds of parsnips. The entire plant, including the intensely green stems and leaves, contains the rare but valuable coumarin compounds furanocoumarins, including xanthotoxin and bargapten. Parsnips are also a rich source of essential oils, vegetable fats, flavonoid glycosides, fiber, potassium, sugars and vitamins: C and B group, including folic acid. However, most of these substances are found in the seeds, which is why they are used in the production of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, while the root is still a valuable component of the diet.
Parsnips and parsley are so similar that "by eye" it is impossible to distinguish them. So one has to resort to other senses. Parsnips smells more like carrots, to which it is related. It also has a specific, sweet, nutty flavor.
Parsnips improves appetite
Parsnips owes this property to the content of coumarin derivatives, mainly furanocoumarins. It was already used in antiquity - fresh parsnip slices were served as a starter before the feast to stimulate the secretion of gastric juices and thus the appetite. Today, gourmets tend to eat a salad made of finely chopped parsnips with the addition of apple and onion.
Parsnips supports circulation
Due to the fact that parsnips are low in calories, contain ingredients that improve metabolism, have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, it hasa beneficial effect on the circulatory system. It lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of overweight and atherosclerosis, and thus prevents adverse changes in blood vessels.
ImportantNutritional values of parsnips (per 100 g)
Energy value - 75 kcal Total protein - 1.2 g Fat - 0.3 g Carbohydrates - 17.9 g (including simple sugars 4.8) Fiber - 4.9 gVitaminsVitamin C - 17.0 mg Thiamine - 0.090 mg Riboflavin - 0.050 mg Niacin - 0.700 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.090 mg Folic acid - 67 µg Vitamin A - 0 IU Vitamin E - 1.49 mg Vitamin K - 22.5 µgMineralsCalcium - 36 mg Iron - 0.59 mg Magnesium - 29 mg Phosphorus - 71 mg Potassium - 375 mg Sodium - 10 mg Zinc - 0.59 mg Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Parsnips prevents kidney stones
Both the infusion of parsnip root, as well as the infusion and extract of its seeds have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and relaxant effect. These properties are very helpful in ailments caused by kidney stones. They help to clean the kidneys and urinary tract of the deposits that are deposited in them. A significant amount of vitamin C contributes to the acidification of urine and prevents its crystallization.
Parsnips help with colds
In folk medicine, parsnips are still a popular "medicine" used for colds and other respiratory problems, which is mainly due to the high content of vitamin C, essential oil and anti-inflammatory flavonoids. Light mulled wine with fresh parsnip slices helps to fight infection, and rubbing with the ointment made from oil with the addition of juice squeezed from the stem and parsnip root, soothes cold coughs and muscle aches.
Parsnips relieve nervous tension and period pains
A decoction of parsnip root works well as a sedative, and even better - an infusion of parsnip seeds, which contains a much higher dose of magnesium. So let's drink it in times of greater stress or trouble falling asleep. Thanks to its relaxing properties, it will also help during painful periods.
Parsnips make it easier to lose excess weight
Both the root and the parsnip seeds stimulate the secretion of gastric juices and improve the digestive process. In addition, the root contains a significant amount of fiber, which speeds up and regulates digestion, and also provides a feeling of fullness for a long time after eating and has few calories. So it is an excellent snack for people who want to get rid of excess weight.
Parsnips prevents dandruff
Systematic hair rinsingafter washing with parsnip root infusion or rubbing its seed extract into the scalp, it helps to fight seborrhea and its frequent effect - dandruff. This is the effect of both coumarin derivatives, which stimulate blood circulation in the skin, and flavonoids with anti-inflammatory properties.
Parsnips treats albinism and psoriasis
Xanthotoxin and bergapten, which are found in significant amounts in the fruit-seeds of parsnips, have a strong photosensitizing effect - they contribute to the formation of melanin, i.e. a pigment found in the skin. This property of parsnips is used in the production of drugs used in the treatment of vitiligo - these compounds very effectively stimulate the re-pigmentation of the skin. They're also helpful in treating psoriasis.
Parsnips stimulates hair growth
Parsnip seed extracts effectively improve the blood supply to the skin. It is worth using it to care for weakened hair, therefore the substances isolated from parsnips are components of preparations that stimulate hair growth, and are also used, among others, in the treatment of alopecia areata.
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