Herbs have been considered medicinal plants for centuries, helping in the fight against many diseases. However, it should be remembered that also these seemingly safe preparations, when used in excess, can seriously harm our he alth. Can herbs be overdosed? When are herbs harmful?

Do you know whenherbs are harmful ? Poles are in second place in Europe (after the Germans) in the consumption ofplant-derived drugs . Unfortunately, we apply most of them ourselves, based on the erroneous assumption that a natural product cannot be harmful. The first and basic mistake is to mixherbswithmedications . This is extremely dangerous, because herbs can change the effect of drugs - strengthen or weaken the recommended dose and cause the harmful effects of the prescribed drug.

Herbs - do not buy preparations of unknown origin

Before we decide on a specific preparation, make sure that the packaging includes its scientific name, used parts of the plant, production and use-by dates, and the manufacturer's address. We never buy mixed herbs whose origin we do not know. We should not try to collect and dry them ourselves, especially if we have a vague idea about herbalism. The popular chamomile tea, which we collect in a city park, can do more harm than good, because it has more lead than healing properties.

Herbs - application period

Natural mixtures can be harmful if we use them for too long. Specialists warn that you should definitely stop using herbs after six months of regular drinking of infusions and take at least a three-month break. This is especially true for the elderly and those who take other types of medications for a long time. It is also worth remembering to discontinue all kinds of herbal preparations if we are going to have an operation. Garlic, ginkgo and ginseng promote bleeding, St. John's wort - clots, and valerian prolongs the effect of narcosis.

Can you poison yourself with herbs?

Apparently as much as 70 percent. Plant-based drugs are taken without consulting a doctor. If some time after the regular use of herbs we experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or diarrhea, we should contact a doctor as soon as possible. Perhaps they arefirst symptoms of herb poisoning.


Side effects of some herbs:

  • woolly foxglove may slow down the heart rate until cardiac arrest
  • comfrey can damage the liver
  • routine may cause burn-like sensitization
  • St. John's wort - may inhibit the effect of antidepressants, which may make the disease worse and cause suicide attempts
  • common juniper in large amounts can irritate the kidneys, and when used externally - the skin
  • rowan - contains parasorbic acid, which decomposes under the influence of high temperatures and drying, therefore it may cause diarrhea, vomiting and general weakening of the body
  • yarrow - can be very toxic in large amounts. Unwanted symptoms include severe headaches and states similar to lightheadedness
  • dandelions - can increase white blood cell count in large amounts
  • thyme - contains thymol, which in larger amounts is highly toxic (poisonous)
