The beginning of the flowering process of plants for allergy sufferers marks the beginning of a pollen season that lasts for many months, which will last until autumn. And yet allergy sufferers have already had an extremely difficult winter, during which many of them experienced severe symptoms of the disease. What is the best way to prepare for an allergy fight?

Sunny days and rising temperatures give hope that in a moment we will be able to enjoy nature awakening to life. But not all of them …

Living with allergies all year round

Allergy is a disease whose symptoms may occur regardless of the season. The data is absolute. It is estimated that even every third person in the world suffers from allergy, and in Poland as many as 40% of the population has symptoms!

There has been a misconception for years that in autumn and winter it is not as troublesome as in the pollen season. The frosty air only gives the impression of being free from pollution. In people sensitive to the effects of mites, fungi, mold or animal hair, it is in winter that the symptoms of allergy may intensify. Then we spend most of our time indoors - heated, air-conditioned and not aired. Heating dries the air, and infrequent circulation and worse ventilation cause mites, bacteria, fabric fibers or animal hair, which are strong allergens, to circulate indoors.

After a not very favorable winter, already in February we can observe the beginning of the pollen season, which is initiated by hazel and alder. The prolonged winter means that many allergenic plants start to dust at the same time, in addition to those mentioned earlier, also birch, poplar, yew and willow. The highest concentration of pollen is recorded on clear, windless days, and a reduction in the amount of allergens in the air is brought only by heavy rains. March is often called the most difficult month for allergy sufferers, because the pollen concentration of these trees is then extremely high, effectively making everyday life difficult.

Instant action in the event of high pollen concentration is guaranteed by a home air purifier that filters the air in the room on an ongoing basis. In this matter, you must trust the best. The companyVestfrostoffers as many as 5-stage air purification process, ensuring incredible effectiveness. Downloaded bythe device passes the air through a system of 3 filters, trapping over 99% of contaminants such as hair, dust, pollen, mold or dust hazardous to he alth. The air is then biologically cleaned with UV light (UV-C Led technology), eliminating particles smaller than 0.3 microns. In the last stage, the air goes back to the room enriched with positive and negativePlasma IONions. They help to neutralize not only airborne particles, but also those adhering to fabrics (such as carpets, curtains or upholstery) and surfaces (walls, floor). This completely natural technology of active purification perfectly complements the filtration processes. Plasma ION ions reach all nooks and crannies in the room, thanks to which they are able to eliminate allergenic particles even more effectively.

Which pollen should allergy sufferers be especially careful about in spring?

  • Alder- the most allergenic tree. Her pollen causes a runny nose, watery eyes, coughing and sneezing attacks. Inhabitants of urban agglomerations are more prone to symptoms because the protein in pollen reacts with exhaust fumes.
  • Hazel- symptoms include rhinitis, asthma, eye conjunctivitis, sometimes also skin allergic reactions - eczema and urticaria.
  • Cis- its pollen contains a powerful poison called taxin, which can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
  • Poplar- it is in March that the pollen season falls, but it is worth emphasizing that, compared to alder or birch, poplar causes allergies relatively rarely and mildly.
  • Willow- symptoms include an extremely intense runny nose, tearing and skin irritation. An allergy is rare, but the allergic reaction is usually very strong.
  • Birch- next to alder, the tree most sensitizing. Its pollen reaches concentrations usually exceeding 1000 grains per cubic meter of air. Symptoms include runny nose, itchy nose, and watery eyes.

How to protect yourself against allergies?

For allergy sufferers, it is important that the air is free of dust, i.e. the natural habitat of mites, pollen, mold, fungi and animal hair. So it is obligatory to clean the house regularly. It is also worth giving up items that are a hotbed of pollution, such as carpets, heavy curtains in the bedroom, carpets and teddy bears. Changes should also be made in the bedrooms. Bed linen should be changed weekly and washed in hot water, above 60 degrees. To introduce additional precautions, it makes sense to usespecial bedding for allergy sufferers and mattress protectors. Avoid tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes, and toxins from using detergents and chemicals. Also remember to ventilate the apartment frequently, better 2 - 3 times a day. Intensive but short. Of course, it is important to check the quality of the air outside every day. So much in theory. How does it work in practice?

Unfortunately, all the activities described above, without the use of an air purifier, can bring only a half of success. Thanks to the sensitive dust and VOC sensors,Vestfrost devicesautomatically adjusts the best operating mode ("auto" function). Sleep discomfort can be extremely troublesome for allergy sufferers. That's why Vestfrost air purifiers operate in a quiet mode at just 17dB - did you know it's quieter than a whisper? The function of controlling the device via the mobile application is also extremely practical. Thanks to equipping devices with WiFi technology, we have full access to settings. In a situation of increased pollen concentration, when going to work or returning home, we can start the purifier and breathe crystal clear air.

The new line of Sharp air purifiers consists of three models, adapted to different room sizes. Choose yours!

Model VP-A1M30WHwith a cleaning area of ​​up to 43m - perfect for a large bedroom or a child's room, for PLN 999 net.

The VP-A1Z40WH model effectively removes dirt from the surface of 48m, for a net price of PLN 1399.

Model VP-A1S70WH with an operating area of ​​up to 80m. Perfect for the office, loft space, kindergarten or school, for PLN 1999 net.
