Urinary incontinence (NTM), also called more elegantly - incontinence - is not only an embarrassing condition, but a chronic disease that must and can be successfully treated. In some cases an operation is necessary.
Urinary incontinence( NTM ), regardless of the severity of the symptoms, must not be taken lightly. But not every form of the disease needs to be treated immediately with surgery. In the case of NTM provoked bydiabetesit is enough to normalize the blood sugar level, teach the patient to follow the diet to solve the problem.
The contraindication to the operation is urgent urinary incontinence. Then, conservative treatment modifying lifestyle, diet, type and amount of fluids (e.g. coffee drinking is limited) is applied, pelvic floor muscle exercises and pharmacotherapy are introduced. The drugs that are given work around the clock, "calm" the bladder, and it does not respond by emptying rapidly to each urine. Drugs do not disturb physiological urination. If these methods fail, it is possible to inject the bladder with botulinum toxin.
In the case of minor stress urinary incontinence, a woman should first of all learn to consciously strengthen the pelvic floor muscles with appropriate exercises. The ideal situation is muscle rehabilitation through electrostimulation. Ladies who, for various reasons, cannot reach a specialist clinic, can buy an individual electrostimulator (costs from about PLN 250) and use it according to the doctor's instructions.
Worth knowingProlonged contact of urine with the skin changes the pH of the skin to more alkaline, which in the case of increased susceptibility to abrasions and burns, increases the risk of bacterial, fungal infections and bedsores. Therefore, people struggling with urinary incontinence should pay more attention to personal hygiene and use cosmetics to prevent chafing.
Treatment of urinary incontinence - two surgical techniques
The decision to perform an operation is usually made by the doctor in cases of significant intensification of urinary incontinence. But the procedure can also be performed with less advanced disease.
Currently, most clinics use a technique that involves implanting a synthetic under the urethra,polypropylene webbing. Over time, the tape grows through the patient's tissues and stimulates local collagen production, thus supporting the urethra and preventing urine leakage. The procedure is performed through the vagina, i.e. without damaging the abdominal wall. The method is minimally invasive, the procedure is short, and after it is performed, the woman does not have to stay in the hospital for a long time. With proper qualification for surgery, its effectiveness is estimated at 90%.
An alternative to this method is abdominal surgery. It is performed when, apart from urinary incontinence, there is another medical problem (e.g. uterine fibroids) that must be solved surgically.
Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence - how to proceed after the procedure
Vaginal discomfort may be felt for a few weeks after the operation as discharge is colored with blood (a sign of healing and cleansing of the vagina). Usually, after the procedure, the woman receives a sick leave (about a month) so that she can get back into shape. In the postoperative period, it is advisable to avoid physical exertion, lifting heavy loads, and intensive sports. If you have a cold, ask your doctor for cough stopping measures so as not to strain the pelvic floor muscles or damage the tape.
The operated site takes about 6 weeks to heal and during this time you should refrain from traditional intercourse so that the wound after the surgery can heal finally. Then you can go back to normal intercourse. The partner will not feel anything.
Most women experience a significant improvement in urinary incontinence immediately after surgery. For others, you need to wait about 2 weeks for the effect. It is important to refrain from activities (e.g., lifting) that have caused NTM after surgery. It is worth taking care of the right weight, avoiding constipation, eliminating spicy spices, large amounts of alcohol and coffee from the menu.
ImportantUrinary incontinence - several causes, one effect
» Stress incontinence - losing various portions of urine (from a drop) during exercise, coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects, and in the most severe form - even getting up from a chair. The disease is favored by obesity (NTM occurs 4 times more often in obese women than in lean women), menopause and postmenopausal period, chronic cough, some neurological diseases, pregnancy and childbirth (especially surgical), high birth weight of a child, depletion of the reproductive organ, frequent urinary tract infections , constipation, heavy physical work and smoking.» Urgent urinary incontinence - occurs as a result of a strong pressure on the urethra and the bladder (the so-called urgent pressure), over whicha woman cannot control in any way and which she cannot predict. The consequence is urine leakage - from a few drops to complete emptying of the bladder. The cause of this form of the disease is an oversensitive bladder, i.e. one that shrinks (demands emptying) even when little urine is present. This may be the result of inadequate nervous control over the activity of the lower urinary tract. Recurring urinary tract infections can be a causative factor. Another reason is systemic diseases, e.g. diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, senile dementia. The cause of this form of NTM can also be drugs, e.g. dehydrating drugs.» Overflow urinary incontinence is characterized by dropwise loss of urine due to overfilling the bladder and a significant stretching of the walls of the bladder.
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