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Food flooding, problems with breastfeeding your baby, pain while contracting the uterus are some of the problems that can happen to you a few days after giving birth. How to deal with them?

After giving birth: feed on demand

Put your baby to the breast at least every 3 hours. If your baby does not want to or cannot suckle - ask a midwife or a lactation consultant for help. In order for the breasts to produce breast milk, you should drink enough (1.5-2 liters), preferably still mineral water and diluted juices. Lubricate injured nipples with your milk or a special cream. Then do not wash them with soap, do not disinfect them with alcohol.

After giving birth: 5 facts about childbirth

After giving birth: Be ready for a surge of milk

In the third day afterchildbirth , breast pain may appear due to the intensive secretion of milk ( congestion ). Be prepared for it as this is normal and don't panic. Regularly latch the baby to the breast: 10-12 times a day, so that they are emptied well. The ailments will be reduced by cool compresses on the breast (after feeding), e.g. from a cloth diaper moistened with water, and even better - from cabbage leaves (chilled and slightly bruised).

After giving birth: fight stomach ache

Pain in the lower abdomen can be very distressing, especially if this is your next baby. Immediately after birth, the uterus begins to shrink from the size of the watermelon to its normal pear size. The collapse of the uterus (involution) occurs through contractions. Pain worsens with breastfeeding. If it is so severe you can hardly take it, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen. Breathing techniques can also help - the same techniques you used in labor.

Postpartum: Consider dietary supplementation

Wpostpartumpostpartum anemia may appear due to iron deficiency during pregnancy, as well as due to the loss of a large amount of blood during childbirth. If you feel very weak, your appetite is not good and you eat little, and in addition, before the birth of your baby, you had poor morphology results - think about supplementing with an iron supplement. Remember also that the nursing mother has a greater need for vitamins and some micronutrients, therefore - especially with a poor diet - supplementation duringbreastfeeding may be essential.

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