We can heal tumors better and - most importantly - protect ourselves against them more effectively. Learn the rules that will lower your risk of cancer. Your anti-cancer protective umbrella is a proper diet, regular preventive examinations and a he althy lifestyle.
The process of developingcancermalignant is very complex. The interaction of internal (e.g. genetic conditions) and external factors (e.g. inhalation of polluted air, a diet rich in carcinogenic products) plays a huge role in it. Thanks to many years of work of thousands of scientists around the world, we suspect with a high degree of probability what can contribute to cancer, and what the opposite.
Cancer prevention: bet on plant-based products
In vegetables, fruits, and grains, you will find a lot of ingredients that can be used inanti-cancer prophylaxis. Soy phytoestrogens can help preventcancerbreast cancer. The indole present in cabbage and broccoli helps to protect against gene mutation. Lycopene, which is a lot in tomatoes, incl. prevents cancerous changes in the prostate. Fiber, or plant fibers, is invaluable - they accelerate the passage of carcinogenic substances through the intestines, and thus limit their absorption. Strong anti-cancer compounds have also been found in garlic, green tea, grapes, ginger, raspberries and oyster mushroom. To take advantage of these he alth benefits of plant products, the World Cancer Research Fund recommends eating 5 servings of vegetables and fruit a day. One serving is at least 80 g of fruit or vegetables, or a glass of fruit or vegetable juice.
Cancer prevention: eat meat as little as possible
Doctors suspect that restricting meat in the diet may offer more protection against cancer than simply increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits. The aforementioned World Cancer Research Fund recommended not to exceed 80 g of meat and meat products a day, replace red meat with white meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken) and introduce more fish. For example, it has been proven that the risk of colorectal cancer is lower in people who eat about 100 g of marine fish (mackerel, cod, salmon) every day.
What products help to avoid cancer? Check! [TOWIDEO]
ImportantBad and goodmessages
Cancer is the second leading cause of death nowadays, after heart disease. But there is also good news: according to the World He alth Organization (WHO), we can cut cancer by as much as 66% by making small changes to our daily activities. Epidemiologists even claim that lifestyle is the cause of over 80 percent. illnesses. They believe that only a small percentage of cancer cases is independent of our behavior.
Cancer prevention: take care of your psyche and good relationships with people
Psycho-oncologists studying the emotional responses of patients at different stages of cancer stress that three important psychological factors significantly increase the risk of developing cancer. These are: stress that you cannot control, loneliness, and an inability to express yourself. Consider whether it is worth living just for tomorrow, working hard to have a bigger house, car, or other material goods. Instead, invest in core values - human relationships, inner development, and the realization of your passions. Learn to rest, get enough sleep and feel good. Cultivate optimism and peace of mind - you will achieve this by practicing yoga or other relaxation techniques.
Cancer prevention: avoid tobacco smoke
There is no doubt: smoking is one of the leading culprits of cancer. Responsible for 30 percent. deaths from all types of cancer (and as much as 90% in lung cancer). Women who smoke are even worse off - studies have shown that, compared to men, women have on average twice the amount of the enzyme that extracts carcinogens in tobacco smoke. Moreover, research by the American Cancer Society has shown that non-smoking partners of heavy smokers are more likely to develop seemingly unrelated cancers such as cervical cancer. This is because the carcinogenic nicotine toxins are also found in the sperm and thus reach the cervix. Fortunately, your body has a great ability to regenerate, and if you don't smoke in 5 years and avoid smokers, you'll cut your risk of getting sick in half.
Cancer prevention: oxygenate the body and exercise
Although many studies have proven that regular exercise reduces the risk of cancer, the mechanism of this phenomenon is still not fully understood. Some researchers believe that this is related to the body's increased oxygen flow through exercise. Getting in shape every day (e.g. 30 minutes of brisk walking) will help you stay in good shape. And obesity is one of the most important risk factorscancer, especially of the uterus, breast, colon, kidney, gallbladder. It also gives a worse prognosis in case of falling ill.
Cancer prevention: use the sun wisely
We know that exposure to the sun increases the risk of skin cancer, yet the vast majority of us sunbathe because we believe that "it will not happen to me". And this type of cancer is becoming more common. The only protection against it is the daily use of sunscreen preparations - in our latitude the minimum SPF 15. Australian scientists have published the results of a five-year study showing that in areas with high sun exposure to the use of a sunscreen every day reduces the risk of skin cancer development by 40%. Special protection from the sun applies to children - many experts believe that skin cancer is often caused by sunburn in childhood.
You must do itHe althy Polish Diet
Once upon a time, our tables were dominated by various groats, peas, wholemeal bread, and sauerkraut. The meat was just an addition. Today, an average Pole has 47 kg of pork per year! And it is red meat (mainly the sialic acid it contains) that causes inflammation in the body that can initiate the development of cancer, especially of the digestive system. So go back to tradition and restore he althy proportions in your daily diet.
Cancer prevention: keep your hormones in balance
It is believed that 20 percent cancer is related to the excess of hormones produced. For example, too much estrogen can increase the risk of breast, endometrial, ovarian and sometimes cervical and colon cancer. In order to keep your hormones in balance, you must first and foremost be slim because the production of hormones increases proportionally to your weight. A separate topic is the contraceptive pills and HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Taking HRT is suspected to increase the risk of breast cancer development. But some researchers believe that the cancer is simply detected earlier, because these women are examined more often. On the other hand, the anti-cancer effects of using the contraceptive pill are confirmed by research: they provide 50% protection against ovarian and endometrial cancer and reduce the risk of anal cancer by 20%.
Cancer prevention: get regular check ups
Today, most cancers are 100% treatable, provided that the disease is detected quickly. It is worth knowing that for a breast tumor to reach a diameter of 1.5 cm, it takes at least 5 years. And the greatest chances for a full recovery are when the tumor does not exceed 0.5 cm. From this it followssimple conclusion: you need regular checkups to avoid cancer. Breast ultrasound, mammography, cytology, lung X-ray, skin control at a dermatologist or colonoscopy are tests that allow you to detect the risk of cancer in time. If your family has had cases of breast, ovarian, colorectal or prostate cancer, it's worth talking to your doctor about genetic testing.
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