Ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy is another test (so-called half ultrasound) that every pregnant woman should have. What is the purpose of this study? Which parameters are assessed by the doctor and how to interpret the results of a half ultrasound during pregnancy?

Purposehalf-halfgopregnancy ultrasound( done between 18th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy ) is a detailed assessment of the fetal anatomy for the presence of congenital abnormalities and the approximate weight and gestational age of the fetus.


Additional ultrasound examinations in pregnancy

In addition to standard examinations, additional ultrasound is performed in certain situations.

  • fetal heart echo- performed in the 18th - 22nd week of pregnancy; is an ultrasound examination performed on the highest class equipment, with special software for cardiological examinations. The examination is aimed at a thorough assessment of the structure of the fetal heart, it enables the detection of heart defects, valve defects, and heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Doppler ultrasound in pregnancy- in the second or (more often) third trimester The indication is an abnormal course of pregnancy, complicated e.g. with arterial hypertension, fetal hypotrophy, and long-term maternal diabetes. The Doppler method assesses blood flow in selected vessels: based on the blood flow velocity, it can be inferred whether the placenta is working well, and therefore whether the fetus is adequately oxygenated and nourished.

What exactly is rated?

The following are assessed :

  • head: skull, brain, face (e.g. diagnosis of cleft upper lip)
  • neck
  • chest: ribs, lungs
  • heart (diagnosis of heart defects)
  • abdominal cavity: stomach, intestines, kidneys, bladder
  • spine, long bones of hands and feet
  • child's gender.

In addition to the structure of the fetus, it is assessed:

  • bearing position
  • amount of amniotic fluid
  • the cervix.

What do the results say?

The test gives answers to many important questions: is the child growing harmoniously and does not have anatomical defects, does it have poly- or oligohydramnios, does the cervix open prematurely.

Note: Fetal weight and gestational age are approximate and not exact (e.g. pregnancy age can be estimated in thisperiod with an accuracy of 2-3 weeks).

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