If you have decided that you want to become a mother, be sure to prepare for it. After all, your body has new tasks ahead - pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. It will pay off - you can bear the pregnancy better and the baby will be he althier. What tests, vaccinations and diet are recommended before pregnancy?
He althy, in good physical and mental condition, you will endure pregnancy perfectly and you will provide your baby with the best conditions for development. A few months before 'zero hour', that is, before conception, talk to your gynecologist about the planned pregnancy. Perhaps he will give you some specific tips, but the following tips will be useful to you.
Before pregnancy: do preventive checkups
Even if you think you are perfectly he althy, do thesetestsand show the results to your gynecologist: blood count (including blood type and Rh factor), urinalysis, blood biochemical tests (the level of glucose, protein, creatinine, urea, calcium, cholesterol, triglycerides), WR, liver tests, determination of the level of thyroid hormones (their deficiency may cause infertility or miscarriage), chest X-ray, ultrasound of abdominal organs and pelvis (including ovaries, uterus), cervical cytology and vaginal cleanliness test, as well as a test to detect HIV antibodies.
Before pregnancy: think about vaccinations
Get vaccinated against hepatitis B (three doses of the vaccine are needed for immunity: the second is taken one month after the first, and the third - five months after the second). If you have not had rubella and have not been vaccinated before, you must get vaccinated (you will acquire immunity after about a month).
Before pregnancy: get regular treatment
Before you get pregnant, try to get your body to full he alth. If you have any diseases of the reproductive organs (e.g. vaginal mycosis, bacterial infections, erosions, fibroids, cysts) - heal yourself in advance. Check teeth, sinuses and tonsils. If you have a chronic disease (e.g. diabetes, hypertension), strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor, so that these diseases arebefore pregnancyas balanced as possible. Limit the consumption of generally available medications to the necessary minimum, and thatConsult your doctor about the doses of preparations that you take constantly in terms of the planned pregnancy.
Before pregnancy: eat well
Thanks to a reasonabledietyour body will be better able to handle the effort of nourishing a developing child. Your menu must be very varied. Eat smaller portions, but more often - preferably 5 times a day. Your menu should include: lean meat, fish, legumes, dairy products. Vegetables and fruits should also be part of each meal. Remember that natural vitamins and minerals cannot be replaced by any ready-made preparations (you can take these if your doctor recommends them). Try replacing sweets with e.g. dried fruit (but in reasonable amounts, because they have a lot of calories). Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluids every day - preferably mineral water, fresh juices.
Before pregnancy: start taking folic acid
Especially if you have been using hormonal contraception for a long time, which reduces the absorption of folic acid, i.e. vitamin B9. Studies have shown that taking 1 mg of folic acid a day for 3-4 months before pregnancy reduces the risk of serious defects in the nervous system in the fetus (neural tube defects which form the baby's spine and brain). Include foods rich in vitamin B9 in your diet, incl. chicken liver, orange juice, spinach, beans, broccoli, beets, raspberries, thick groats, wheat bran, whole grains.
Before pregnancy: forget about stimulants
Quit smoking and try to persuade your partner to do so. Nicotine has a very negative effect on male fertility - it reduces sperm mobility and may even cause erectile dysfunction. There are over 4,000 in tobacco smoke. poisonous substances. Alcohol is equally harmful - it weakens the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys and brain. And when drunk (even in small amounts) by a pregnant woman, it may cause the so-called fetal alcohol syndrome. If you do not smoke and drink alcohol (even occasionally) before the planned pregnancy, your body will have time to cleanse itself of toxins.
Before pregnancy: strengthen your muscles
Keep fit. This will allow you to feel good even when the symptoms typical of pregnancy begin, and you will also have a smooth birth. Research confirms that women who regularly practice some sport before conception have stronger muscles, and therefore less often complain of backache during pregnancy, and the delivery lasts shorter. So go for long walks, swim, exercise, play volleyball, go jogging or go cycling.by bike.
Before pregnancy: renovate as early as possible
If you want to renovate an apartment in order to provide your toddler with the best living conditions later - think twice. The agents used for impregnation, painting, varnishing, insulation, etc. are not neutral for the body. Their vapors are in the air and you will inhale them. If you are considering renovation, do it at least three months before the planned pregnancy. And make sure the renovation takes place without your participation!
Before pregnancy: go on vacation where it's warm
It has been known for a long time that relaxation promotes conception. So persuade your partner on a romantic vacation, preferably where it is warm. As it turns out, more sun (and thus - light) has a positive effect on our endocrine system, thanks to which you and your partner's fertility slightly increases.
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