Potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium work together to keep your heart he althy and energized to work hard. They give the heart a good rhythm. By taking care of the content of these ingredients in the diet, you can protect your heart against hypertension, heart attack or cardiac arrhythmia.
Elements good for the heart: potassium
Thanks to it, an enzyme is activated, which provides the heart with energy, stimulating it to work.Potassiumtogether with magnesium and calcium makes our most important muscle beat regularly. During physical exertion, it increases contractionsof the heartto better oxygenate the body. The benefits of potassium do not end there - it plays a very important role in the functioning of the nervous system. It also conditions the proper functioning of the muscles, influencing mobility. Potassium also stimulates the secretion of insulin and participates in the burning of carbohydrates and proteins. This element is also involved in the oxygenation of the brain, thanks to which it improves concentration.
- Symptoms of excess: Too much potassium in the body is dangerous, therefore drugs containing this element must not be taken without consulting a doctor. Too much excess can disturb the functioning of the kidneys as well as the heart.
- Deficiency Symptoms: If you experience an irregular heartbeat or have muscle cramps, you probably have a potassium deficiency.
- Where to look for it: You will provide the body with the most of this element, reaching for dried apricots, avocados, figs, apples, raisins, plums and bananas. Tomatoes, potatoes and spinach are also rich in potassium. To make up for the shortage, also eat citrus fruits.
Vegetables and fruits rich in potassium

Elements good for the heart: calcium
This elementis essential for the heart contraction and thus plays an important role in the proper pumping of blood to all body tissues. Its deficiency can even result in the heart stopping. Along with potassium, calcium regulates blood pressure. Of course, this is not the only role this element plays in the body. Calcium is involved in shaping the skeleton. It is a building block of bones and prevents osteoporosis. The right amount of calcium has a significant impact on the condition of the teeth. This element ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system. It also plays an important role in mitigating the effectsallergies.
- Symptoms of Excess: Eating more than a few grams of calcium per day is not recommended. Larger amounts may cause nausea, constipation, and loss of appetite. Excess calcium can also lead to the formation of kidney stones.
- Deficiency symptoms: You should be concerned about the fragility of the bones, and the often decaying teeth. Symptoms of calcium deficiency can include numbness in the arms or legs, as well as mood swings, insomnia and frequent nosebleeds.
- Where to look for it: The best source of calcium is milk and its products such as cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurt. A lot of this element is also provided by sardines eaten with bones.
Elements good for the heart: sodium
Works together with potassium. When the proportions between these elements are disturbed, potassium cannot fulfill its basic functions. It is because of the close cooperation with potassium that sodium is so important to the heart. These minerals play an important role in the body's water management - together they remove excess water from it. Sodium also has a very important role in controlling blood pressure.
- Symptoms of excess: Unfortunately, it very often happens that the proportion between sodium and potassium is disturbed. This is mainly due to a diet that is too high in s alt, which is pure sodium chloride. Therefore, the deficiency of this element is extremely rare - its excess is most often observed. Serious effects of excess are high blood pressure, as well as diseases of the kidneys, liver and worsening of the symptoms of diabetes. If you want to reduce the amount of this element in the body, first of all, you should significantly limit your eating of s alty foods and meats.
Elements good for the heart: magnesium
The appropriate amount of this element in the body helps to strengthen blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, which has an impact on the efficiency of the heart. Magnesium dilates the arteries and protects against a heart attack. It helps to regulate calcium levels and improves potassium absorption. It helps to maintain a normal heart rhythm and is sometimes administered intravenously to reduce arrhythmias. Congestive heart failure is treated with magnesium. It has also been noticed that people who drink hard water, i.e. water that contains a large amount of magnesium, are less likely to suffer from heart disease. Magnesium is also extremely important to the nervous system. It stabilizes and strengthens it. It also improves the work of the brain. Has a positive effect on blood clotting. Together with calcium, it is a building block of bones and teeth, therefore it plays an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis. This element also regulates muscle tension and helps in their regeneration.
- Symptoms of excess: When the amount desired by the body is exceededmagnesium, nausea and diarrhea may appear. However, these are very rare cases, because the body copes with the surplus of this element on its own - most often by excreting it in the urine. Deficiency Symptoms: Muscle twitching, eyelid tremors, nervousness, and irritability are signals that the body may be lacking magnesium.
- Where to look for it: The richest source of magnesium is cocoa, buckwheat, legumes, nuts. A good way to supplement the deficiency is to drink highly mineralized water.

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