Anorectal manometry is also called anorectal manometry. This examination assesses the functions of the anal sphincters. It is of the greatest importance in the qualification for surgery of the end of the gastrointestinal tract, in the diagnosis of fecal incontinence / defecation and chronic constipation. How does anorectal manometry work?
Anorectal manometryis performed with the use of special apparatus: three probes, a data recording and processing device and a computer with appropriate software for recording and analyzing the results.
Beforeyour examinationyour doctor may give you a sedative. There is no need for a complete bowel cleansing; it is sufficient to use a rectal enema made of phosphate solution two hours before the examination. The doctor then inserts the probe through
anus , to a depth of 10-25 cm (depending on age). After a few to several minutes of adaptation, the motor activity of the rectum can be registered (within 5-10 minutes). The entire test takes 30-60 minutes.