You usually get your back problems at your own request. Incorrect body posture, low physical activity, stress - these are the main causes of back pain. All it takes is a little sport and you will avoid unpleasant back pain.
Poor conditionof the spine , as well as the ailments that make your life uncomfortable, are mainly due to your lifestyle and bad habits. Here are the four deadly sins we commit against our spine:
1. Too little physical activity causes back problems
The development of civilization on the one hand, and the burden of duties on the other, mean that, regardless of the profession, most of us sit at a desk or some device all day long, and on the couch after work. We drive a car, we have no time or desire for sports. Children spend half a day sitting at the school desk, the other half at home spending time reading books. In their free time, instead of playing football or going out on a bike, they choose TV or computer games. The result is that the muscles gradually weaken and are unable to support the of the spine. The vertebrae and discs are overloaded, which leads to various deformations.
2. Lifting and overloading the spine
In addition, you lean too much over the kitchen counter or the ironing board, because they are too low for you. You also often perform one activity in the same position for a long time. And you put too much strain on your spine.
ImportantDo not underestimate
Back pain is sometimes caused by diseases of other organs. When the kidneys are sick, the pain is localized in the area of the lower back. Pain from the ureters can radiate to the area of the shoulder blades. Diseases of female organs sometimes signal low back pain. If the pancreas, biliary bladder, stomach, intestines are sick, the pains can radiate to the back and the lower back. Arteriosclerosis (narrowing of the pelvic arteries) can also cause dull low back pain, which is felt when sitting and lying down, but is aggravated by walking and standing.
3. Incorrect body posture leads to posture defects and spine injuries
That's how we got used to it and it's comfortable this way. Head lowered, abdomen protruding, hunched back, shoulder bowed. You sit on your tucked leg or bend your back into a headband while leaning over the book. Meanwhile, any body position that forces a changenatural curvature of the spine, it causes a disturbance in the work of the muscles. As a result, the individual sections are unevenly loaded. Incorrectbody postureleads to posture defects, damage to the joints connecting the vertebrae and discs.

4. Stress and rush contribute to back problems
The adrenaline produced instress leads to prolonged tension and muscle overload. This leads to chronic pain and permanent degenerative changes.Pessimists often complain about back problems. This is the result of the so-called pessimistic attitude: head bowed, arms dangling, shuffling and stumbling on a straight road. This attitude is more and more often observed in adolescents. If maintained for a long time, it causes pains on the cervical-thoracic and thoracic-lumbar border, and the cause of it is sagging abdominal muscles.
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