Hernia surgery is easy today. Convalescence after inguinal hernia surgery is fast. We get up a few hours after the downhill run, as soon as the pain is over we start to walk. Two weeks after inguinal hernia surgery, we are now living a normal life. Check what to do after hernia surgery to get back in shape as soon as possible.
Inguinal hernia surgeryis not a particularly strenuous procedure.After inguinal hernia surgerywhen performed under local or spinal anesthesia, the patient often she can go home after just a few hours. Only in justified cases (older age, presence of other diseases, extensivehernia ), doctors stop the patient in the hospital for 24 hours and observe.
First days after inguinal hernia surgery
You have to take painkillers for 2-3 days because the wound is painful. Doctors encourage people to walk as soon as possible after the surgery. This protects against adhesions and the formation of a pulling scar. In addition, movement restores normal intestinal peristalsis. In the first days after surgery, there may be problems with bowel movements, mainly because of fear of stool pressure. That is why it is worth taking care of a very light diet: soups, juices, fruit, e.g. an apple. There should be a dressing on the postoperative wound at all times. You can reach for a synthetic semi-permeable dressing - you can see the wound through it, it allows the skin to breathe, and at the same time protects the wound from getting dirty and getting wet. Medical check-ups are arranged individually with the doctor.
One week after hernia surgery
If the wound head was external, it must be removed 5 - 7 days after the operation. Now, however, in most cases, soluble intradermal sutures are used, which are absorbed after the wound has healed. On top, it is supported by slices placed across it, which we can remove after a few days. After five days, we also remove the dressing. A week after the operation, we can start driving the car on our own.
Two weeks after inguinal hernia surgery
After fourteen days the wound is healed, but the regeneration process of the cut tissues is still ongoing. Full reconstruction and return of the old oneendurance requires about three months. Until then, we must be careful with our efforts. Initially, you cannot lift anything, because lifting weights starts the so-called the abdominal press, i.e. exactly the muscles that were cut. So you have to save them, initially carrying no more than 1 kilogram and gradually increasing the load to 3-4.
One month after inguinal hernia surgery
During this time the wound is completely healed, although there may be some aches and pains: tingling or pulling in the groin, especially when the weather changes. Such ailments persist for a longer time in a few percent of operated patients. After 30 days after the surgery, you can live a completely normal life and undertake moderate-intensity physical exertion. We only need to be careful with lifting weights, exercises and activities that strongly engage the abdominal muscles.
Three months after surgery
During this time, the cut tissues should completely rebuild and regain full strength. About 100 days after the operation, even heavy physical exertion can be undertaken. The only ailment may be a pain in the groin, but it affects only a few percent of the operated patients. In the vast majority of cases, the inguinal hernia does not return. Only 2-3 percent of operated patients experience a relapse.