Tablets with tapeworm are supposed to be a great way to lose weight, and they pose a serious threat to he alth. Sellers often claim that they have used such a method of losing weight themselves, and they convince you on their own that you will lose weight too. How many kilograms will you lose by taking tapeworm pills?
Slimming tablets with tapewormyou can easily buy online. Sellers assure that such a "tapeworm diet" ensures quick weight loss, and getting rid of parasites will not be a problem for you. However, the truth is quite different.
When taking a tapeworm pill you don't really know what you are swallowing. It is no problem if the tablet simply does not contain the tapeworm, it is worse if it contains a tapeworm that can be directly life-threatening. Nobody can guarantee which tapeworm, in what development cycle and whether you will be its carrier or host.
Tablets with tapeworm: how much will you lose weight
How many kilos will you loseby buyingtapeworm tabletsand deciding to lose weight with parasites - it is not known. It depends on how long you keep the parasite inside your body as well as what type of flatworm you ingest. According to the description of the product, the parasite develops in the body just 2 weeks after swallowing the tablets, making it possible to lose 7 to 15 kilograms. The truth is that you will start to lose weight, but most likely only when your body is on the verge of exhaustion.
Tapeworm pills: disease instead of weight loss
The tapeworm does not eat excess calories, it does not choose fat or sugar from the intestinal content - it prefers the ingredients that are necessary for its development. As a result, the host's organism becomes more and more exhausted. What awaits you after taking the tapeworm pills?
- feeling sick
- severe headaches
- acute diarrhea
- gastrointestinal infections
- anemia
- exhaustion of the body
Tapeworm tablets: a threat to the environment
By having a tapeworm in you, you pose a threat to the environment. You can infect many people who are unaware of the dangers of the parasite, especially family members.
Tapeworm tablets: tapeworm treatment
Treatment of tapeworms is effective provided thatwill be completed. Leaving the head of the parasite in the digestive tract causes it to grow back. Various preparations are used, such as, for example, Niclosamide or Praziquantel. However, the patient must be properly prepared for their application. On the eve, he should only drink and not eat anything. People with constipation should take a laxative the day before.
Sellers of tablets with tapeworm praise their miraculous effects. According to them, after reaching your dream weight, you can easily get rid of tapeworms thanks to the use of de-worming agents. It's just that all of this has little to do with the truth.
You won't get rid of the tapeworm so easily, because the therapy can last several months, and if the tapeworm nests outside the digestive system - you can never get rid of it.
Tapeworm tablets: side effects
The tapeworm steals the most valuable food ingredients in the small intestine, leaving scraps for you. In addition, it poisons you with its metabolic products that affect the nervous system - they cause various reactions, including unexplained shortness of breath, visual disturbances, dizziness, constant tiredness.
Tapeworm tablets: types of tapeworms
There are several types of tapeworms - all of them (except the dog's tapeworm) are dangerous to humans, and when you decide to take tablets with tapeworms, you are not sure which one you will come across:
- armed tapeworm, reaching 4 m in length
- unarmed tapeworm growing up to 10 m
- Echinococcupus tapeworm
- dwarf tapeworm
Particularly dangerous bubble
Multichamber echinococcosis is a very dangerous and difficult to detect disease that is spread by echinococcal tapeworm (echinococcosis), which, if not treated properly, usually ends in death. Doctors usually confuse echinococcosis with cancer, only the radiological examination shows the culprit, i.e. the echinococcosis tapeworm. The cysts are removed surgically, and then antiparasitic chemotherapy is applied to avoid recurrence of the disease. It is not the end. For the next 10 years, follow-up examinations are recommended to check if the echinococcus is hiding somewhere.