Hormones make women different from men. We have a different figure, hair, voice, and a different psyche. Fat is broken down differently. It is hormones that we owe to the fact that we are women. How do hormones affect a woman's life? What causes hormonal imbalances?
There is a lot of truth to the statement that a woman is a slave to hormones. Thisfemale hormoneskeeps your body ready to reproduce, helping to keep your nextmenstrual cyclesgoing smoothly. This is what happens when the body has ahormonal balance . Sometimes, however, hormones are secreted incorrectly or they do not cooperate with individual organs as they should. Then, the maturation process is delayed, the cycles are irregular, and it is difficult to get pregnant. Fortunately - although hormones absolutely rule our lives - they can be influenced.
Hormonal disorders cause early or delayed first menstruation
Girls don't mature at the same time, but it usually happens between the ages of 10 and 11. The first signal is the appearance of the so-called breast buds. This is a sign that the ovaries have started producingestrogen . The nipples begin to swell and bulge, and the entire breasts gradually enlarge. During puberty, the organs of the first menstruation also change, usually occurring 18-24 months after the first symptoms of puberty appear. In our climate, it is 12-14. year of life. It is difficult to predict with precision, but there are signals that herald it. 10-12 days before menstruation, the girl experiences pains in her breasts and abdomen, and more mucus appears. If a girl is very thin or losing weight, she may have the first period later. The body just needs to build up some body fat for the ovaries to mature and start producing estrogen. Hormonal disorders are the most common cause of too early or delayed menstruation. Suspecting them, the doctor may refer the teenager to specialist blood tests and, based on the results, start effective treatment. The reason for the lack of the first menstruation is also … pregnancy. There is a myth among teenagers that you cannot get pregnant without menstruating. Meanwhile, the first egg, ripe for fertilization, may appear before the first bleeding occurs.
ImportantAll it takes is severe stress, intense training, climate change or slimming treatment to disrupt the menstrual cycle. Deviations from the norm happen to almost every woman, but not all of them should be alarming. Hormonal disorders are the most common causes of an irregular cycle. It is often the first sign of a serious ailment, e.g. inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis, and even cancer of the reproductive organs. However, without specialized research, it is difficult to determine the reasons for irregular or too tight or very heavy periods. Therefore, when a woman notices any irregularities (it is not about a two-day acceleration or delay), she should see a gynecologist.
Hormone levels during the menstrual cycle
From puberty to menopause, a woman goes through the menstrual cycle nearly 400 times. During the cycle, which usually lasts from 25 to 31 days, the levels of this hormone go up and down. It depends on whether a woman is nervous, happy or depressed, and even… what color of the blouse she will choose. Estrogens and progesterone are involved in this game. They are supported by the pituitary hormone follicostimulin (FSH), which stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovary, and lutein (luteinizing hormone - LH), which controls the release of an egg from a Graafian follicle. The first day of bleeding is also the first day of the cycle. Progesterone and estrogen levels drop, causing the lining of the womb to shed and be expelled through the menstrual blood. Under the influence of the pituitary gland hormone (FSH), more Graaf follicles begin to develop and mature. Low levels of estrogen and progesterone make you feel much better than before the period when these hormones were at their highest levels. Bleeding stops between days 5 and 8. The pituitary gland produces the hormone LH, which causes the follicle with the egg to grow and the ovaries secrete more and more estrogen. Hair shines beautifully, skin is smooth, and the woman is bursting with energy. The fertile time begins 3-5 days before ovulation (but pregnancy is still possible 2 days after ovulation). Estrogens peak at day 14 of the cycle. The level of lutein also rises rapidly - this is when the follicle with the egg ruptures. This is what ovulation is. When the menstrual cycle is longer, e.g. 30 days, ovulation will move to day 16 of the cycle. Well-being is then excellent. It is accompanied by an unbridled appetite for sex. A woman is much more sensitive to smells, especially to the male pheromone - androstenedione. High estrogen levels are maintained between days 15 and 20. The empty bubble becomes the so-called the corpus luteum and begins to produceprogesterone, which prepares the lining of the womb to accept a fertilized egg. During these 5 days, the woman feels a bit sluggish because the body retains more water and burns calories more slowly. If fertilization is not achieved, estrogen levels decline between days 21 and 27 of the cycle. The corpus luteum disappears, the level of progesterone decreases. The unfertilized egg will be excreted during the next period. Ladies with insomnia can now finally get enough sleep. But we don't like these days because - to a greater or lesser extent - we suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
You must do itWatch your body so you can take advantage of its hormone play. When you face a task that requires a lot of intellectual effort, start it halfway through the cycle (during ovulation), because that's when your ability to concentrate is at its greatest.