Sage has antibacterial, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps with many ailments: inflammation in the mouth, sore throat, wounds and ulcers. It reduces excessive sweating and reduces lactation. And it also improves memory!
Sageis a slightly forgotten herb . It's a pity - the ancients appreciated sage. In many places around the world it was treated as an aphrodisiac, a drug against infertility, a symbol of longevity and even immortality. The Romans saved themselves with sage after snake bites. It was even credited with magical properties. Modern research has confirmed the beneficial effects of the plant.
Perfect sage for sweating
Of the many varieties, sage is the most popular. The most common medicinal raw materials are leaves, collected before flowering, containing essential oils, tannins, mustard seeds, resins, organic acids, flavonoids, saponins, provitamin A, vitamins C, P and B1, and mineral s alts.
The plant also includes estrogenic and antiperspirant substances, which is why teas or tablets work well in states of excessivesweating , they perfectly alleviate troublesome "sweat sweats" during menopause. They help during feverish diseases, in hyperthyroidism, as well as people suffering from similar ailments, e.g. in neurotic states. The antiperspirant infusion of the leaves works after 2/3 hours and is effective for up to three days!
Sage for sore throat and teeth
Sage inhibits the reproduction of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria (even those resistant to antibiotics), which are responsible for the development of many serious infections. Since it inactivates bacterial toxins, it is invaluable in all inflammation of the oral cavity, thrush, tooth and gum problems (purulent conditions). Sage infusion is enough to gargle a few times to get rid of a sore throat, even with angina.
Sage for test takers
Modern research has shown that sage leaves, shortly after ingestion, can support memory for several hours. An experiment was conducted in the UK. One group of young people took sage oil, the other took a placebo. After an hour, they were shown a list of a dozen loosely chosen words. The job was quickrestoring the list from memory. In the group that took the oil, the number of correctly remembered words was much greater.
What else does sage help with?
It reduces lactation, which can be beneficial in the case of painful breast inflammations. However, it should be used with caution in order not to lead to the loss of food!
Sage improves the digestive system, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Facilitates digestion and digestibility of food. It lowers the blood sugar level a little. The tea counteracts diarrhea and can be used for vaginal irrigation (slight anti-fungal effect). The infusion of the leaves can be used for compresses in difficult-to-heal wounds and varicose ulcers.
There are many convenient sage preparations available in pharmacies: teas, tablets, oil. It is also a component of various blends.