Nuts and dried fruit (figs, apricots, dates, bananas, plums or raisins) should always be at hand. Contrary to chips or bars, dried fruit and nuts are not only tasty, but also a he althy snack. What are the nutritional values of dried fruit?
Dried fruitshelp to prevent cancer and heart attacks, and soothe stomach ailments. They contain fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E and folic acid. Children, teenagers, pregnant women and people who want to lose a few kilos can reach for dried fruit. However, those on a slimming basis should remember that they are allowed to eat only 100 kcal each day.
Dried fruits: nuts improve memory and take care of the heart
- 10 dag: approx. 600 kcal
They are the most valuable of all delicacies. They contain l-arginine - a substance from which nitric oxide is produced, which is responsible for the expansion of the coronary vessels. They also have a lot of vitamin E, which makes it harder for bad cholesterol to stay in the walls of the vessels.Nutscontain a lot of fat, but they are high in unsaturated fatty acids with anticoagulant properties and lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, they should be remembered especially by people at risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Nuts contain folic acid, which is important in the diet of pregnant women, because it is needed for the proper development of the fetus. Folic acid also improves memory and lowers the level of homocysteine in the blood, so it has antiatherosclerotic properties. Nuts also contain a lot of potassium, iron, zinc, B vitamins, phosphorus, copper, and magnesium that improves concentration. Due to the large amount of protein and minerals, these nuts are a very important element in the diet of vegetarians. Different types of nuts have little different ingredients - hazelnuts, for example, have the most vitamin E, and peanuts have the most folic acid. The fat content is also slightly different - hazelnuts are the most rich in them, and the least peanuts are. Some nuts have specific properties, e.g. almonds neutralize stomach acids. A very good way to deal with hunger pangs is to chew two or three almonds for a long time. In turn, peanuts very often cause allergies. Even the little onesamounts of this product may cause severe allergic reactions.
Dried fruits: figs prevent stomach ulcers
- 10 dag: 290 kcal
They contain the most fiber of all dried fruits, therefore they are the most effective in eliminating constipation. They have a lot of zinc and thus support the functioning of the endocrine system. They are quite a good source of calcium, iron and magnesium. They detoxify and deacidify the body. Thanks to their antibacterial properties,figshelp in the treatment of stomach ulcers and prevent the formation of more.
Bakalie: apricots good for slimming
- 10 dag: 284 kcal
They contain a lot of iron, which is why women who have a lot of menstruation and people on a slimming diet should not part with them. Apricots also contain a lot of beta-carotene, which helps to prevent cancer. In addition, they are quite a good source of potassium - an element responsible for regulating blood pressure and removing excess water from the body. However, allergy sufferers should be careful with these fruits. Before drying, the apricots are treated with sulfur dioxide. Thanks to this, they retain their natural color. But fruit preserved in this way can be allergenic. You can neutralize the allergen by rinsing the apricots in water before eating.
Dried fruits: raisins protect against osteoporosis
- 10 dag: 277 kcal
This is a snack for women who are fading away. During the menopause, estrogen production drops, which causes leaching of calcium from the bones and causes osteoporosis. Calcium and boron contained in raisins slow down this process. Besides, raisins are quite a good source of fiber, so they should be included in the diet of people suffering from constipation. They also contain magnesium and B vitamins, so they help maintain concentration. In addition, they contain vitamins C and E, as well as potassium, zinc and iron. These ingredients improve the work of the heart and the appearance of the skin and increase immunity.
Bakalie: dates alleviate menopausal symptoms
- 10 dag: 277 kcal
They are rich in potassium, copper, iron and magnesium. They also include vitamins C and those from group B. They have a gentle laxative effect. They contain a lot of boron, so they alleviate the symptoms of menopause and prevent osteoporosis.
Dried fruits: bananas are effective against hypertension and ulcers
- 10 dag: 360 kcal
They lower blood pressure due to large amounts of potassium. They have little fiber, so they won't help those who suffer from constipation. However, ulcers do not have to be afraid of them - bananas stimulate the production of mucus in the stomach walls, which in turn accelerates the healing of ulcers. Otherwisehelp to fight the bacteriumHelicobacter pylori . They are an excellent snack for the nerves, because they contain tryptophan - an amino acid that, when converted into serotonin, has a calming effect.
Dried fruits: plums aid digestion
- 10 dag: 266 kcal
They are known for their laxative properties. Eating three plums every day or drinking a glass of dried compote will reduce constipation. Plums also contain a lot of beta-carotene, as well as vitamins C and E, substances with anti-cancer properties. Due to the richness of iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and B vitamins, they are recommended for people with anemia and vegeterians.
Figs, dates and raisins can cause or worsen migraine symptoms. They contain proteins containing tyramine, which causes headaches.
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