The oxytocin test is based on the administration of a low dose of oxytocin, which induces uterine contractions, with the simultaneous monitoring of the child's condition by means of CTG. The OCT test allows you to assess the condition of the fetus and its safety during labor, response to contractions and oxytocin itself. The oxytocin test is not intended to induce labor, although it often ends this way.
Oxytocin test( stress test, OCT test ) is mainly diagnostic, because the use of oxytocin can sometimes lead to heart rate disturbances and heart rate, allergic reaction or hypoxia (e.g. in insufficient placenta). Toxytocin estallows you to reduce the risk of complications and make a decision in advance, e.g. about a caesarean section.
Oxytocin test: preparation
The test is performed on an empty stomach. A cannula is required.
Oxytocin test: mileage
The oxytocin test may last up to an hour, it is performed in a hospital setting, sometimes in a delivery room.
First, the patient is connected to the CTG machine to check the contractile function of the uterine muscle and the fetal heart rate. After about 20 minutes of correct recording, the patient is put on an oxytocin drip in order to induce several uterine contractions. After several (up to ten) contractions of the uterus, the drip is disconnected. KTG recording continues for 5-10 minutes. After disconnection, the CTG trace is assessed. If the CTG recording during the entire test was normal, the test result is negative.
If the CTG recording is abnormal, i.e. the test result is positive, it will be necessary to urgently terminate the pregnancy by caesarean section or induction of labor.
Contraindications to the use of oxytocin
- prematurity and other fetal problems that pose a threat to the fetus during vaginal delivery
- overly tense uterus
- surgeries performed by the mother on the uterine muscle
- overstretched uterus (e.g. in numerous multiparous women, during multiple pregnancy)
- insufficiently mature cervix