Before flushing the toilet, check the toilet bowl - the color of your urine can tell a lot not only about your he alth, but also about whether you hydrate properly. And in hot weather it is especially important!
The color of urinedepends on many factors - it is influenced by both diet and medications, and sometimes also lifestyle. While we tend to downplay it, not taking a close look at what is dripping down the toilet bowl, it can be an important clue about your he alth.
It is worth changing this habit:a sudden change in the color of urine is often the first sign that not everything is fine with our he alth:may indicate, for example, a developing infection urinary tract or other disease. In this caseyou should always contact your doctor , as the sooner the disease is found, the easier it may be to treat it afterwards.
On hot days, however, the color of urine can change frequently- even every hour - depending on how much fluids we drink - and give a clue as to whether the amount is the right one or maybe we should drink more to avoid dehydration.
Very light, almost transparent urineindicates that you are probably drinking more water than recommended. It is better to reduce this amount, as excess water flushes electrolytes out of the body, which can have serious consequences.
The optimal amount of fluids (including water) that we should drink each day is around 2.5 liters (but this is an approximate value and may change depending on weight or lifestyle). Remember that water is provided not only by water, but also soups, fruits and vegetables - including tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, watermelons, zucchini.
Yellow or straw-colored urine, reminiscent of lemonade or light beermeans that your body is well and properly hydrated.
Amber or copper shade of urinesignals it's time to drink something - your body is losing more water than it is receiving, making your urine more concentrated, which changes its color slightly darker.
Dark orange or coffee shade of urinesignals severe dehydration: then you need to refill the amount of fluids,preferably with small sips of it. It is worth drinking, especially then, mineral water, rich in electrolytes.
In some cases - when the body loses water due to diarrhea or vomiting - electrolytes need to be replenished by taking special preparations that restore the body's electrolyte balance. Brown urine also appears in the course of certain diseases, including kidney and liver disease.
But if your urine is this color, although you drink enough and you are okay, take a look at your diet: urine can turn brown, e.g. after eating a lot of broad beans or rhubarb.
Check what the color of urine means: