Reishi mushrooms, also known as lingzhi, are mushrooms whose properties and effects have been known in Asia for over 2,000 years. In Far East medicine, reishi mushrooms are considered a medicine for practically everything, including cancer. Some of these properties are confirmed by scientific research. They show that reishi mushrooms, among others, they strengthen immunity and can help fight cancer. Check out how reishi mushrooms work.
Reishi mushrooms(LatinGanoderma lucidum ) is the Japanese name of a species of mushrooms belonging to the lacquer family (LatinGanodermataceae ). In the Land of the Rising Sun, reishi mushrooms are also known as mannentake. In turn, in China they are called lingzhi, which means "herb with spiritual power." It is in Asian countries that for over 2,000 years thehe alth properties ofreishi mushrooms have been used in natural medicine, but not only. Modern China has long recognized reishi mushrooms as a medicine. According to the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (i.e. the official list of medicines authorized in China for marketing), lingzhi mushrooms help to replenish Qi (life energy), alleviate cough and asthma symptoms. Moreover, they are recommended for dizziness, insomnia, palpitations and shortness of breath. Some argue that reishi mushrooms will also help with hypertension, high cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases, respiratory system diseases (apart from asthma, also pneumonia), chronic fatigue syndrome, stomach ulcers, viral infections (such as e.g. influenza), HIV / AIDS. In addition, they will ease the pain that occurs during shingles. But most importantly, reishi mushrooms support the treatment of cancer.
There is some scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these mushrooms, however, they are mostly laboratory studies. Scientists are still studying their composition to better understand what their he alth effects are.
Reishi mushroom a rak
There have been many studies confirming that reishi mushrooms have potential anti-cancer effects.
Joann Lau and Sanda Zolj - scientists at Bellarmine University (USA) - found that reishi mushrooms contain important polysaccharides and saponins that reduce the proliferation (multiplication) of cancer cells inaffected by lung cancer. The researchers found that this effect was due to the apoptosis (death) of the cancer cells triggered by these substances.
In turn, research by scientists from the Cancer Research Laboratory Methodist Research Institute (Indianapolis, USA) shows that reishi mushroom extracts inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis of PC-3 human prostate cancer cells (depending on the dose).
Reishi mushrooms come in different varieties (red, purple, blue, yellow, black and white), but the red variety is considered the most valuable in terms of he alth.
The same scientists also argue that extracts from these fungi inhibit the multiplication of human breast cancer cells (specifically a cell line called MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) by modulating the activity of the estrogen receptor (ER) and NF signaling -kappaB (NF-kB is a protein complex that is assigned the role of an apoptosis inhibitor, i.e. a compound that inhibits cell death, which affects the development of many cancers). In their study summary, they noted that reishi mushrooms could find potential therapeutic applications in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
In turn, other studies show that taking reishi mushroom extract reduces the number of tumors in people struggling with non-cancerous tumors of the colon and rectum (colon adenomas).
In addition, reishi mushrooms can reduce the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, although this depends on the type of cancer and the severity of the disease.
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Reishi mushrooms - side effects There have been two reports of liver damage (including one fatal) in people who have used powdered reishi mushrooms for 1-2 months. Therefore, it is recommended that mushrooms in this form should not be consumed for more than 30 days. In addition, long-term use may cause headaches, dizziness, itching, rash, indigestion, nosebleeds or bloody stools. On the other hand, in people who have a very low platelet count (thrombocytopenia), taking a dose higher than the norm may increase the risk of bleeding (as in other people with a bleeding disorder). Research shows that the beta-glucan found in reishi mushrooms strengthens the immune system by increasing the amount of macrophages and T lymphocytes. Therefore, they can be taken in states of reduced immunity, argues Japanese professor Takashi Mizuno from Shizuoka University. FROMDr. Andrew Weil of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine adds that they may be specific to chronic fatigue syndrome. In contrast, specialists from the University of Maryland Medical Center say that reishi mushrooms strengthen the response of the immune system, which is weakened during chemotherapy. These properties have been confirmed in studies involving humans. Available in pharmacies, herbal and he alth food stores, reishi mushrooms are not medicines, but only dietary supplements. As a result, their composition and action are uncertain and cannot be treated as a specific treatment for various diseases. These types of preparations can only supplement the daily diet with ingredients contained in reishi. In 2009, scientists from The Chinese University of Hong Kong argued in the magazine "Phytomedicine" that reishi mushrooms can lower blood sugar levels. For one month, the researchers gave diabetic mice 0.03 and 0.3 g / kg body weight of reishi extracts. The extracts lowered the blood glucose levels of the mice within one week, leading to the belief that they inhibit an enzyme used by the liver to make glucose. Another study on diabetic kidney disease by scientists at Peking University's Department of Pharmacology found that reishi mushrooms can prevent or h alt the progression of diabetic kidney complications. After eight weeks of the trial period, patients with diabetes experienced a significant reduction in markers of oxidative stress in the kidneys, levels of triglycerides and blood sugar. The research was published in 2006 in the Journal of Asian Natural Products Research. Author: Time S.A A balanced diet is the key to he alth and better well-being. Use JeszCoLubisz, the innovative online dietary system of the He alth Guide. Choose from thousands of recipes for he althy and tasty dishes using the benefits of nature. Enjoy an individually selected menu, constant contact with a dietitian and many other functionalities today! Reishi mushrooms - where to buy? What is their price? Reishi mushrooms can be bought in pharmacies and herbal stores or in the form of he alth food in the form of powders (price for 100 g is about PLN 200) or capsules (price for 90 pieces is about PLN 150). Please note that they should be certified by the European Union and many others (e.g. ECOCERT, GMP, JAS, ISO 9001-2000). Reishi mushrooms should not be given to children, pregnant and lactating women, as no studies have been carried out on the safety of mushrooms in this group of people. Reishi mushrooms are not recommended to be combined with some herbs, e.g. ginkgo biloba People who have problems with blood clotting and are taking anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs (e.g. aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, warfarin, heparin) should contact their doctor before consumption. Reishi mushrooms can interact with medications for high blood pressure. They lower blood pressure on their own, so when combined with these drugs, they can lower it too much. For this reason, they should not be used by people struggling with hypotension. Reishi mushrooms should not be used for at least 2 weeks before and after surgical procedures due to the properties that reduce blood clotting.Reishi mushrooms will strengthen immunity
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Reishi mushrooms - contraindications