Women prefer to solve practical problems, men are better at abstract thinking. Men understand maps very well, women can read faces like books. What else are the differences between a woman and a man? What separates us?
Womanbrings emotional sensitivity to a relationship, the need for emotional ties, and the pursuit of interdependence.Manis by nature blind to feelings and values independence above all else.
A woman has better developed empathy
Thanks to the closer fusion of the two hemispheres, it is more difficult for women to separateemotionsfrom reason. That is why we judge people intuitively, we can read facial expressions, gestures and the manner of speaking, and on the basis of our behavior we can easily distinguish truth from lies. The woman knows her partner is lying to her.
And it cannot be explained only by the suspicion or oversensitivity ascribed to us, because it is thanks to the female brain, a real feeling detector. We simply have the ability to notice subtle changes in the environment and draw accurate conclusions based on it, and we have a better developed empathy, i.e. the ability to empathize with other people's emotions, while a man is completely indifferent to it. When you ask your partner a question, you record his reactions with your full body.
Though you may not be aware of it, your eyes, facial muscles, hands mimic the man's behavior. You start to feel the same emotions: you grit your teeth too, your hands get wet. Your brain analyzes the reactions and makes a conclusion: the interlocutor is afraid, he is probably hiding something. Their keen senses make most women feel a betrayal before it occurs.
Generally a woman is unaware where her feelings are coming from. When worried, she makes accusations, her partner wonders who reported him. A man is an emotional blind man, he cannot empathize with a woman. He does not notice that something is bothering his partner. You have to tell him directly.
The woman is focused on building relationships, the man is on a career
Cradle girls are more interested in people, boys in things. We stare at our mother's face, we like to chat. Therefore, we bond with others faster. Boys are equally happy when they chatter to the toy or lying next to themthey look at objects. Already four-month-old female babies can distinguish a photograph of people they know from strangers, male babies usually cannot.
Girls are happy to play with dolls at home, playing the role of mother or kindergarten teacher. They like to tell each other something and willingly take part in group games. The boys reach for blocks, play with all kinds of vehicles, in fact anything that works, whether it's a door handle or an electrical contact. They are constantly on the move, they choose fun and action-based games where you can compete and clearly prove your advantage.
With age, these differences deepen and in adulthood become one of the main reasons for the lack of communication between a man and a woman. Due to the fact that our brain enables a better flow of information between the hemisphere of thinking and emotions, we are predisposed to interact with people. We feel good in a group, we make friends easily, we talk to people we meet at the store or at the doctor's, which often annoys our partners.
Due to the much higher testosterone level in women than in women, men are more aggressive and more impulsive than us. We are more composed and patient, so we usually alleviate conflicts and reach out to consent first. We laugh more than men, even though we don't really laugh, and can be nice to people we don't like.
When a man gets an invitation to two social events at the same time, he will go where he will get some benefits or try to reconcile both. The woman will remain faithful to the first commitment or choose friends whose refusal would cause the hosts more pain.
Men are career oriented, we are focused on building relationships. Women who focus on their work have either been structured this way or have not met a man who has managed to give them a sense of security.
Women are more sensitive to details, men look "holistically"
Women hear much better than men. More often than men are able to hum a song they have heard only once on the radio, they can easily recognize a person's voice on the phone, even though they have spoken to him only a few times. A dripping tap or a squeaky door will get us out of bed before the man wakes up. But the woman is better at dealing with sleep disturbances. If she has to get up to see her baby at night, she'll wake up faster and fall asleep sooner.
We also perceive the timbre of the voice better, which may be a partial explanationthe extraordinary sensitivity of women to "this tone", which we often accuse our partners of using. We can perceive the subtleties of meanings based on the tone of the voice and the intensity of the expression. We are more perceptive and have better visual memory.
We also distinguish between flavors and smells better. Men perceive the "general" picture. They look after the woman because they like it "as a whole", they do not notice the hairstyle or fashionable dress. We are able to tell who was dressed at the party and men to report on the discussion taking place there. We store more unimportant and accidental information.
They only remember what matters to them. They have a better spatial imagination and sense of perspective. Divisibility of attention is also their domain. A man can talk, do a crossword puzzle and watch TV at the same time, we can't. They are at the forefront in mathematics and science and teaching
they have better hand-eye coordination. They can judge distance better, which is why they are usually better drivers. We give up the narrow parking space, which you have to drive backwards, the man enters it without thinking.
ImportantGirl talk
Women learn to speak earlier, build longer and more complicated sentences, make fewer grammatical errors. When talking about something, we use many words, often adding color to the event. Men are limited to the necessary terms and strict concepts. That is why they accuse us of talking too much. Men express themselves precisely and if we talk to them too much, inconspicuously, they get lost, stop listening and then don't understand what we meant.