Skin cancer is curable in almost 100%, and endometrial cancer in 75%. Find out what the survival rate is and which tumors can be survived for many years. Below is a list of the most promising cancers.
The development of medicine and the early detection of certain cancers significantly increased the survival rates. For a given cancer, the 5-year survival rate is usually determined, which indicates what percentage of people lives more than 5 years from the time of diagnosis. Information about the 5 or 10-year survival rate does not mean that patients are no longer alive. This is only due to the fact that the surveyed patients were monitored for so long.
According to statistics, life expectancy in 70% of cancer patients has increased by 5 years, compared to the data from 20 years ago. This time depends mainly on the type of cancer.
Which cancers are the easiest to cure?
The best-prognostic tumors
Skin cancer- there are two main types: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The first one does not metastasize, and surgical removal of the lesion is an effective method of treatment. The 5-year survival rate here reaches 100%. Squamous cell carcinoma rarely produces distant metastases, and the 5-year survival rate is approximately 90%.
Thyroid canceris the most common cancer of the endocrine glands. The 5-year survival rate for total thyroid cancer in Poland is approx. 85%.
Testicular cancerusually affects young men. In recent years, the number of cases has increased, but the effectiveness of chemotherapy is very high. The 5-year survival rate for Poland is approximately 84%.
Breast canceris the most common malignant neoplasm in women. In Poland, the average 5-year survival rate is 75%.
Endometrial cancer , also known as endometrial cancer, mainly affects postmenopausal women. The disease cannot be detected by a pap smear. Histopathological examination of material taken from the uterine cavity is necessary. The 5-year survival rate in Poland does not differ from the European average. In the first stage of advancement of 5 years, 75% are experienced. patients, in other stages of advancement this percentage drops to 60%.
Malignant lymphoma(Hodgkin's lymphoma) - until recentlysuch a diagnosis was a death sentence. Currently, this cancer is considered a promising cancer because with the advancement of chemotherapy and the development of new treatment regimens, it has become a potentially curable disease, and people who survived more than 15 years after treatment usually die for reasons other than Hodgkin's disease. In Poland, the 5-year survival rate is about 78% for women, and about 72% for men. In patients diagnosed with stage I and II, this percentage is as high as 95%.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia- the most numerous group of patients are people under 18 years of age. The data for 2010 shows that 90% of people live for more than 5 years. patients.
You can live a long and active life with cancer
The chances of extending the life of cancer patients are growing year by year, because therapies aimed directly at cancer cells are more and more available, and doctors are able to choose the treatment to the individual needs of the patient with increasing precision. Even patients who have relapsed or metastasized may be offered further treatment. Of course, some people lose, but we have more and more examples that one can live a long and active life with cancer.
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