Tendency to cry, mood swings, over-agitation, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sometimes also despairing crying. These symptoms usually indicate that there is something wrong with the baby. How do you know what's causing your anxiety and how to deal with it?
Sometimes the reason for anxietybabyis trivial - the baby is uncomfortable, he is suffering from badly fastened or overfilleddiaper , hungry, bored or simply I need mom's closeness. In this case, it is usually enough to pick up the baby, feed it, change it and everything returns to normal. Sometimes, however, the cause is related to a more or less serious condition that is not affected by hugs. If not recognized in time or ignored, it can cause your child a lotpainand give you hard days. For this reason alone, it is worth learning about the symptoms of the most common causes of anxiety in an infant and what to do when they appear.
Restless child - cause: stuffy nose
Babies can only breathe through their nose. If it is blocked for any reason, the child gets very tired. Causes and symptoms. A blocked nose is most often caused by a runny nose. But not only that - the airborne contaminants (e.g. dust) deposited on the cilia of the nose combine with the natural secretion of the mucosa and dry up to form a kind of plug in the nose. You can suspect breathing difficulties caused by a stuffy nose if your he althy, non-feverish baby starts to breathe harshly, his nose is whirring, has a clear problem with sucking on the breasts, and he can hardly fall asleep. How to help a child? The clogged nose must be cleaned. Dried secretion is best dissolved with sea water spray or saline solution (detailed instructions for using the preparation can be found on the packaging), and then removed with a rolled tissue or a special device - an aspirator. If the cause of the blocked nose is a runny nose, you can also take inhalations for your child and make sure that his head is slightly higher than the rest of the body during sleep (so that the discharge instead of staying in the nose, flows out of it) - for this it is worth placing under the mattress e.g. a children's pillow.
Why does the newborn cry?
Restless child - cause: constipation
This is the state where the baby has not had a bowel movement for several days and is therefore cranky. Causes and symptoms. The most common cause of constipation is the mum's improper diet, and if the baby is fed with formula, pouring too much of the mixture into the water. A child who is constipated has a hard, tight belly, is gaining little weight, is irritable, has no appetite, and when he tries to poop, he becomes tense and cries in pain. The stools are hard and resemble goat droppings, how can I help my baby? The procedure depends on the baby's diet. If you are breastfeeding him, avoid sweets and bananas, and enrich your diet with fiber-containing products, such as wholemeal bread, coarse-grained groats and raw vegetables. If you are bottle-feeding, make sure you are preparing the formula correctly or change to a different one after consulting your doctor. When trying to help your baby, avoid putting a finger or the tip of a thermometer into the anus, as the baby may become addicted to this type of stimulation and will find it harder to defecate on its own with each passing week. Instead, you can give your baby lactulose in syrup (available over the counter at a pharmacy). Lactulose is a synthetic sugar derived from lactose. It is not absorbed from the digestive tract, only in the colon it is broken down by intestinal bacteria, and this process loosens the stools, thanks to which the stools are no longer hard and it is easier for the child to defecate. Make an appointment with a pediatrician - in case of constipation, it is important to recognize the cause of constipation.
Restless child - cause: the beginning of the infection
You can suspect an infection if your little one is behaving distinctly different than usual, causes and symptoms. Not every infection begins with a high fever. An infant may be restless, cranky, cry or have no appetite for several hours. In the early stages of infection, he may be hesitant - he wants to hold his arms, and when you cuddle them, he wants to go to bed again. How to help a child? Provide him with peace and quiet. However, do not leave him alone - stay with him, check the temperature from time to time. If there is no fever, hold off calling a doctor until any other symptoms appear, suggesting the type of infection. But call a doctor as soon as possible, if the child becomes unnaturally lethargic, he starts to pour over his hands. Don't hesitate to call a pediatrician if your baby has a fever and is under six months old.
Restless child - cause: chafing
They can appear on the baby's skin several times a month. Causes and symptoms. Chafing most often occurs when the diaper is changed too rarely. They can also be caused by changes in the composition of the stool, inducedintroducing new foods, erupting teeth, vaccination or antibiotics. You can suspect chafing if your baby is restless, fidgeting, sometimes cries, and the skin under the diaper (buttocks, groin or thighs) is red. How to help a child? The pupa must be washed with warm, boiled water, dried and the baby should be left without a nappy for a while. It is worth placing an oilcloth under the blanket on which it is lying, which will protect the substrate from getting wet. Before you put the diaper on again, apply a soothing cream to your skin.
Restless Child - Cause: Teething
Your baby's first tooth will probably not emerge until she is six or seven months old. But the symptoms of teething can start much earlier - even in the third or fourth month of life. Causes and symptoms. The upwardly roving gums are fluffed, red and very itchy. The baby begins to drool profusely, puts his fingers and everything within their reach into his mouth, because squeezing the gums, relieves unpleasant sensations. Usually, a teething baby is also cranky, tearful, refuses to suckle the breast, has trouble sleeping, and sometimes passes rare stools. When an erupting tooth finally cuts the gum, your child may even cry in pain for a while. How to help a child? Itchy and sore gums can be numbed with a little teething gel. As it can only be used a few times a day, and usually helps for an hour or less, you should also prepare a supply of refrigerated teethers that will help your child to chew on. However, do not put them in the freezer, because the frozen gum can damage the mucous membranes. If your baby's sore gums keep him from sleeping or functioning normally, you can give him a painkiller (paracetamol or ibuprofen for babies) at a dose appropriate for his weight and age. If your baby has a fever during teething (i.e. his body temperature will be higher than 38 ° C), you must visit the pediatrician, because it may mean that an infection has become entangled.
Restless child - cause: colic
It is a pain in the abdomen that can appear even in the newborn period. You may suspect your baby if you experience abdominal pain or malaise at least three times a week. Causes and symptoms. There is no single cause of colic, doctors suspect that it can be caused by both dietary mistakes of the breastfeeding mother and allergy to cow's milk protein or swallowing large amounts of air by the baby (e.g. during feeding). Some children are restless during a colic attack.they stretch and emit gases loudly, but the vast majority of babies cry desperately in pain, curl their legs, sometimes rain and vomit, are sweaty with exertion. How to help a child? There are several ways you can relieve colic. You can arrange or wear your baby so that his tummy sticks to something - it can be a rolled up blanket or your forearm - because it helps to remove gases. If that doesn't help, try a tummy tuck, which also helps to expel gas - gently, clockwise, massage your baby's tummy alternately with your left and right hands. Make circular movements with the left and semicircles with the right, from the outside to the center of the belly. You can also warm your tummy with a warm hot water bottle, sometimes a warm bath brings relief. Pharmacological agents can be helpful, for example preparations with a carminative and antispasmodic effect based on fennel and chamomile. Some also contain simethicone or dimethicone - compounds that facilitate the evacuation of gas bubbles from the intestines. If you are breastfeeding, you can drink a special anti-colic tea. Remember, however, that its ingredients will penetrate into your milk, and do not give your baby any anti-colic preparation without first consulting a doctor.
Restless child - cause: vaccination
Feeling worse may be a temporary side effect of some vaccines. You can suspect them if your little one becomes grumpy within 2-48 hours of vaccination. Causes and symptoms. When a vaccine is injected into the body, it causes the immune system to react. Its purpose is to create an immune memory, thanks to which the body will be able to fight the real threat in the future. Sometimes, however, vaccination causes a post-vaccination reaction - redness, swelling and pain at the vaccination site, malaise, increased temperature, sometimes even a rash. This reaction of the immune system is perfectly normal, and the unwell usually disappears within 2-3 days. How to help a child? The procedure depends on the type of reaction and is described in the leaflet that you should receive after vaccination (if you did not get one, be sure to ask for it). You can apply an Alta-cet compress to the sore spot, and if the child has a fever, give him an antipyretic preparation in a dose adjusted to his weight and age.
Restless Baby - Cause: Diaper Dermatitis
Ailment much more serious than nappy rash. It can even appear in a newborn baby. The average little one suffers from it at least once in their life, causes and symptoms. The cause of diaper dermatitis is most often neglectedor poorly cared for chafing. Already a few hours after the appearance of chafes, the skin under the diaper may turn red, hot to the touch, it may also peel and look burned, and the baby cries a lot and may have a fever. It is characteristic that the ailments may include not only the buttocks, but also part of the thighs and groin. The pain of diaper dermatitis is comparable to that experienced by a burned person. How to help a child? Rinse the skin with warm, boiled water without the addition of cleansing agents, gently dry it (preferably with a paper towel), apply a cream that soothes chafes and let the child lie down with a bare bottom, because fresh air reduces ailments. When your baby cries a lot, you can give him a painkiller. It is best to go to the doctor with the child on the same day. With diaper dermatitis, it is sometimes necessary to lubricate the skin with an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection - irritated skin is constantly in contact with bacteria in urine and feces.
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