The baby cries because he doesn't know any other way to express his needs. She says: hug me, I'm too warm, I want to eat, I want to sleep, my tummy hurts, I need a change of experience … If mom reacts properly to the baby's crying, the baby gains valuable experience: I can make my needs met.

Initially, everycrybaby will sound the same to you. But gradually you will start to see the differences. Listen carefully, observe body movements and facial expressions. Ifbabycries, slowly closes and opens his eyes quickly, turns his head from side to side - he may be tired. When he screams loudly and without any preliminaries, he wrinkles his face, raises his legs, tightens the muscles of the torso - they are probably tired with gases. Rhythmically repeated "wah-wah", bending your body back, trying to raise your hands to your mouth - usually means hunger. But everybabyis different - it takes time to figure out its communication code.

Crying can be a form of self-calming

Very often it turns out that the toddler is full, is dry, does not have a stomachache, but is crying. The cause may be fatigue and too many sensations. Crying is also a form of self-calming. It isolates the child from external stimuli and allows the delicate nervous system to rest. If the child, left alone, after a few minutes does not stop whining and does not fall asleep, you need to help him calm down.

You must do it

Warning, danger

While it is absolutely normal for a baby to cry, it can sometimes signal an illness. Call your doctor if your child:

  • usually cheerful - cries for an hour or more
  • fever above 38ºC
  • vomiting
  • has diarrhea
  • has convulsions
  • has pale or blue skin
  • is weakened, overflows through hands

A way to calm a crying baby down

American doctor Dr. Harvey Karp, who for many years has been conducting classes for young parents, can magically calm down every newborn baby. His method is based on the assumption that the first three months of a baby's life are like the fourth trimester of pregnancy. The baby will feel safest when we create conditions similar to those in the mother's womb. First of all, it was cramped. So it helps to wrap the baby tightly with a blanket - so that his hands are straightenedalong the torso. Second, in utero, the baby could hear the mother's constant buzzing and heartbeat. That is why they are soothed by the sound of the hair dryer being turned on, the hum of a vacuum cleaner or purring in the ear. Third, it got used to rocking. It has to be fast and rhythmic, but not too strong. Sometimes you need to combine several of these techniques until the little one calms down.

monthly "M jak mama"
