Analytical tests of blood, urine and electrolytes are the basis in medical diagnostics. Based on these results, many conditions can be detected. In this way, the following are diagnosed: anemia, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, electrolyte disorders, inflammation, kidney diseases, parasitic diseases, allergies. Each parameter assessed during this test has established limits of the norm (reference values). They may differ slightly depending on the findings of a given laboratory.

There is still a belief that a man should be tough, strong and always he althy. To stay he althy, you need to eat he althily, play sports, and lead a hygienic lifestyle. However, to be sure of the condition of your body, it is sometimes good to do a thorough examination. It is worth knowing that the results ofanalytical testsmay be falsified by the antibiotic drugs, psychotropic drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs taken at that time. The blood glucosebloodresult and cholesterolcholesterolmay be affected by the type of food you eat overnight prior to the test. Therefore, remember to refrain from consuming sweetened foods and drinks for at least 10 hours before the test.

Remember that not every deviation from the adopted norm indicates a disease or disorders in the functioning of the body. This is often due to physiological changes, due to errors in taking blood components for testing, incorrect blood transport, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the test to rule out confusion. Any doubts should be clarified with a doctor.

Frequency of testing

Men get sick as often as women, but they visit their doctor much less often, which is a big mistake. Glucose level tests,morphology , ESR, electrolytes, urinalysis should be performed once a year as a preventive measure. However, remember, whenever you suffer from headaches, muscle pains, you feel unwell, you have trouble sleeping, you are tired, lethargic, you are tired with increased thirst, you have chest pain, you have difficulty breathing, you should undergo analytical tests. Testing the level of PSA, i.e. the amount of PSA in the serum, should be determined in all men over 50 years of age who visit a urologist due to ailments withside of the lower urinary tract or as part of a scheduled follow-up.
Cholesterol levels can be measured with blood chemistry tests performed by all laboratories. It should be done for the first time in the age of 20, and then every 3-4 years, as long as it remains normal. Professionally practicing sports and the elderly are recommended to do this test at least once a year.

Research cheat sheet for men

Parameter nameStandard rangeInterpretation of the result outside the standard range
Blood tests
Glucose75 to 115 mg / 100 mlhyperglycaemia (above normal) or hypoglycaemia (below normal), diabetes
Erythrocytes (red cells)4 - 6 million / mm3anemia, hypoxia, dehydration, lung diseases
Hemoglobin (oxygen transporter)13 - 17 g / 100mlanemia, internal micro haemorrhage, organ hypoxia
Hematocrit (number of red blood cells)40% - 54%anemia, dehydration, and in the case of above the norm - hyperemia
Leukocytes (white blood cells)4 - 10,000 / mm3systemic inflammation, infection, virus, in extreme cases leukemia
Lymphocytes25 - 40% leukocytesdecreased immunity, infection, infectious diseases
Biernacki's Reaction - OB1 - 8 mm / after an hourinflammation, infectious disease, cancer
Cholesterol150 - 220 mg / 100 mlbelow normal: malnutrition; above normal - risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, liver diseases
Sodium135-145 mmol / ldehydration, hyperventilation, renal failure, heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis
Potassium3.5-5.0 mmol / ldecompensated diabetes, tissue hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, renal failure
Creatinine0.7 - 1.2 mg / 100 mlkidney disease, prostatic hyperplasia
Urine tests
pHneutral reactionrisk of kidney stones, improper diet
ProteinNonekidney disease, fatigue, malnutrition
SugarNonekidney disease, diabetes
Ketone bodiesNoneketoacidosis, malnutrition, kidney disease
Red or white blood cellsNoneRed blood cells: inflammation, damage to the ureters, bladder, urethra, fatigue;
White blood cells: infection, kidney disease
Crystals, rollsNonekidney disease, kidney stones
Prostate examination
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concentration0 - 4 ng / mlprostate hyperplasia, prostate cancer, inflammation
It is a painless, non-invasive, uncomplicated and very precise method, because on its basis you can easily calculate the amount of residual urine. It is based on the use of high frequency sound waves. A small ultrasound transducer (transducer) is placed on the surface of the abdomen, near the bladder. This instrument intercepts and transmits the sound waves reflected from the organ, which are then electronically analyzed, producing an image on the monitor. During the examination, it is also possible to assess the condition of the bladder, detect whether there are neoplastic changes, defects and bladder stones, and the approximate size of the prostate gland. During the procedure, ultrasound pictures are also taken, which are the image of the examination (before and after urination).
