How to take care of your eyes so that they serve reliably for many years? Eye yoga will help you. Do eye exercises daily to improve your eyesight. It's simple and requires no investment.

What is eye yoga? When is it worth doingeye exercisesto improve eyesight? When you are tired or under high stress, your vision is usually worse. Spots, zigzags appear in front of the eyes, and the image becomes out of focus. Under stress, you also have stiffened muscles that move your eyeball. Their prolonged tension causes them to tire and perform their functions worse.

In the 1920s, the American ophthalmologist William H. Bates, the creator of visionetics (exercises for relaxing the eyes), stated that tension is the main enemy of the eyes, so you need to do relaxing exercises as often as possible. Some vision defects (short and long-sightedness, strabismus) can even be corrected with specific relaxation exercises.

Systematic eye exercises can reduce some eye defects by up to 20%!

Gymnastics can be done anywhere, for example during a break for a few minutes at work, or even while driving a bus. It is important that the exercises are systematically repeated several times a day. It would be ideal if you would take a total of more than half an hour during the day.

Remember to do this exercise only when you are relaxed. Therefore, strengthening the eye muscles should be preceded by relaxation: a few deeper breaths, loosening the neck muscles (even a short massage), longer looking at the soothing greenery at home or outside the window. Let's start right away.

Exercise 1: straight into the sun

Nobody should look directly at the sun, but "looking" with your eyelids closed is recommended in Dr. Bates' exercises. Sunlight stimulates the nerves of the retina, blood circulation and promotes the production of vitamin D.

Every sunny morning you should "stare" at the sun for a few minutes with your eyes closed. Move your head slowly: up and down, to the right and left, always so that the sun's rays are on your face from all sides. By the time your eyes get used to this exercise, they may feel a little sore and watery. If so, at the beginning cover one eye and the other with your hand.

Exercise 2: dot on the wall

The he althiest geometric figure for the eye is a circle. Stick a large black dot (5 cm in diameter) on the wall at eye level. Stand about one meter away from her. Look at her while breathing deeply. When you notice that the dot begins to brighten in the center and a white halo is formed around it - look at the wall. A white dot should "appear" on it (the equivalent of the black, glued one).

Exercise 3: infinity

The eye will also relax and relax when you visualize the infinity sign and follow its circumference. It is important to start the exercise from the lower left part of the eight's belly and lead your eyes to the crossing of the line, pointing towards the top of the right belly.

Exercise 4: at the computer

Take a few minutes' break after working in front of the monitor. Meanwhile, use your finger to draw circles of different sizes on the desk top, following the finger. Every half an hour, shift your gaze to any object and outline it with your eyesight. Occasionally glance up then down, left and right, to the upper left corner of the monitor, to its upper right corner, to the lower left corner, and then to the lower right corner. Finally, with your eyes, draw circles - back and forth.

Exercise 5: palming

Move closer to the table or desk and rest both elbows on the table. Keep your back and neck in line, do not tilt your head forward. You can put books under your elbows to maintain the correct position.

Warm your hands by rubbing them vigorously against each other. Place your warm hands over your open eyes. The fingers of the hands should overlap and cross in the middle of the forehead. Close your eyes. Do not touch your closed eyelids or pinch your nose. Try to remember a nice event - a walk in a forest or a meadow, something you enjoyed.

After a while you will start to see black. The deeper it is, the better the effect of the exercise. After a few minutes, open your eyes, blinking them intensely, sit for a while, looking straight ahead. Before you get up, breathe deeply and slowly.

Don't do that

It hurts your eyes a lot: bad lighting, prolonged eye strain (e.g. when the letters are too small), reading in a lying position, watching TV in the dark and too close to the screen, dry air and being in the sun without dimmers glasses with filters.

If you wear corrective glasses or lenses on a daily basis, you should remove them before exercising.

Exercise 6: hand and pencil

For this exercise you will need a pencil with a dot on it. Cover your left eye with your left hand, but don't close it.Take the pencil in your right hand, straighten it and raise it to eye level. Slowly make its way in a clockwise circle. Follow the movements of the pencil by looking at the dot on it. Blink and breathe deeply. Make five turns with the pencil.

Then make circles in the opposite direction with the pencil. Repeat the exercise, covering your right eye with your right hand, and taking a pencil in your left hand. Make circles with it, first one way and then the other way. It is best to start the exercise with making small circles.

The idea is for your eyes to follow the pencil effortlessly. It is important to keep your eyes on the dot on the pencil, but at the same time to see other objects in the field of view.

Exercise 7: right and left

Close your eyelids and relax your forehead muscles. Slowly move your eyes to the right until you feel the muscles in your eyeball tense. Keep this tension for a while. Repeat the exercise now moving your eyes to the left. Repeat the entire cycle five times. You need to practice very slowly, carefully moving your eyeballs.

Exercise 8: squeezing your eyelids

Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Tighten the muscles of your face and neck. Clench your jaws tight. Hold your breath for a few seconds, squeezing your eyelids tight. Breathe out quickly while opening your eyes and bulging them. Open your mouth wide as well as you let out a loud sigh. Repeat everything three times.

Exercise 9: near and far

If you read a lot or work on the computer, take your eyes off your book or monitor every hour. Look for a moment at an object that is far away, and then another that is not far away. Repeat this several times. Then make a few movements with the eyeball (the head stays in the same place). Look first up, then down, right and left. Repeat several times.

Exercise 10: lake

On a large piece of paper, draw the undulating "shore" of the lake and paint its surface blue. Hang the piece of paper a meter from your eyes. When you feel your eyes burning, take a look at the lake. Tour its coastline several times without moving your head. Repeat the exercise every hour, even if you don't feel tired.