Endometrial ectomy is otherwise cervical endometriosis. Symptoms of endometrial ectopy are most often spotting or bleeding between periods, which prompts the patient to see a gynecologist as soon as possible. However, without proper examination, the doctor may confuse endometrial ectopy with erosion, or even with neoplastic lesions, and the disease may not be treated properly.
Endometrial ectriosis (cervical endometriosis)is a misplacement of elements of the uterine mucosa (i.e. the endometrium) within the damaged surface of the cervix.
Endometrial ectomy is a vivid red, bleeding lesion that, without proper examination, may be mistaken for an erosion of the cervix, or even a cancerous condition.
Endometriomas (cervical endometriosis) - causes
Endometriomasmay be a complication of diagnostic procedures and surgeries performed within the cervix, during which the epithelium is damaged.
This applies to electrocoagulation (burnout), especially electrocoagulation of cervical erosions, as well as cryotherapy or laser therapy.
Fragments of the uterine mucosa to the cervix may also be transferred as a result of taking a cervical specimen (cervical electroconization) or curettage of the cervical canal and uterine cavity.
Another cause of the formation of cavities in the cervical epithelium, and further on endometrial ectopy, can be all kinds of inflammation. Cervical endometriosis can also be congenital.
Endometriomas (cervical endometriosis) - symptoms
Symptoms of endometriotic ectopy arespottingorbreakthrough bleeding , which usually starts before your expected period and lasts several days and sometimes even several days after the end of actual bleeding.
Endometrial ectomy does not turn into cancer.
In some patients, spotting or bleeding may continue throughout the menstrual cycle. They also appear during intercourse.
Spotting or breakthrough bleeding may be accompanied by intimate infections as a result of an imbalancebacterial microflora of the vagina by foci of endometrial ectopy. However, the risk of their occurrence is greatest with extensive and deeply located lesions.
Endometriomas (cervical endometriosis) - diagnosis
Endometrial ectomy can be used to diagnose colposcopy, i.e. colposcopy (cervical endoscopy). It is a test necessary to make an appropriate diagnosis, and thus - to choose the appropriate treatment method.
Without colposcopy, endometrial ectopy can be mistaken for an erosion or even neoplastic lesions. Therefore, in the case of abnormal intermenstrual and contact bleeding, colposcopy should be performed.
Without cervical endoscopy, endometrial ectopy may be confused with erosion, or even with neoplastic lesion .
In some cases, the doctor may decide to take material from the lesion for histological examination.
It is worth knowing that the foci of endometriotic ectopy change with the successive phases of the menstrual cycle. In the first half of the cycle, the doctor may not detect them even during a colposcopic examination. However, the closer to menstruation, the more visible the changes become.
Endometrioma (cervical endometriosis) - treatment
Treatment of cervical endometriosis is to remove lesions. In some patients it is possible to do it during one visit, in others the procedure must be repeated several times.