Cervical erythroplakia is commonly incorrectly called cervical erosion. In fact, cervical erythroplakia is any type of red lesion in the cervix that can be caused not only by erosions, but also by ectopy and even cancer. Therefore, in the case of the appearance of cervical erythroplakia, an appropriate examination should be performed, which will allow to recognize the nature of the lesion, and thus - to select the appropriate treatment method.
Cervical erythroplakiais the term used to describe all kinds of red changes in the cervix that are visible to the naked eye. If the doctor notices these types of changes on the cervix, he or she should perform a colposcopy (endoscopy of the cervix) to find out what the cause is and to start appropriate treatment.
Cervical erythroplakia - causes
Red lesions within the cervix can include :
- true erosion - this term is reserved only for cervical epithelial defects. Calling any redness on the cervix as an erosion is wrong
- ectopy - this is the displacement of the cylindrical epithelium from the cervical canal to the disc of the vaginal part of the cervix
- precancerous and cancerous changes
Cervical erythroplakia - symptoms
Cervical erythroplakia is usually detected by accident during a routine gynecological examination as it does not cause any symptoms. Occasionally, only vaginal discharge may appear.
Cervical erythroplakia - diagnosis
In the case of red lesions on the cervix, a colposcopy should be performed. Only an endoscopy of the cervix can determine the cause of erythroplakia.
If it turns out that the cause of red lesions may be cancer, cytology is additionally performed and material is collected for histopathological examination.
ImportantIn the case of erythroplakia, it is necessary to perform an endoscopy of the cervix, i.e. colposcopy. It is a test that allows to distinguish erosion and ectopy, which are confusingly similar to each other "by the eye", and to determine whether red lesions may be neoplastic changes.
Cervical erythroplakia - treatment
In case of true erosion, depending oncauses of its formation, vaginal globules, estrogens or surgical treatment are used.
Ectopia does not require any treatment in most cases.
Pre-cancerous changes of the cervix are treated pharmacologically. Treatment for cervical cancer depends on the stage of the disease. For pre-invasive cancer, laser surgery, cryosurgery, or surgical conization are used. If the cancer is advanced, the uterus must be removed (hysterectomy) and additional radiation therapy is given. In the case of metastases to other organs, chemotherapy is used.