Single-layer cytology is a simple examination that takes a while to protect yourself against cervical cancer. Moreover, the results of single-layer cytology are much more reliable than the results of conventional cytology, which is why women choose it more and more often. Check what a single-layer cytology is.

Single-layer cytologyis a test that reliably and accurately assesses the condition of the cervix and detects all changes in it, such as inflammation, erosions and early cancer. Single-layer cytology is more accurate than conventional cytology, which is why women choose it more and more often.

Single-layer cytology - what is it? What does it look like?

The swab is taken in the same way as for a classic examination, i.e. the patient is placed on the gynecological chair and the doctor places a speculum into the vagina. Then, with a brush with elastic fibers (resembling a trident), it collects exfoliated epithelial cells and mucus from two places: the disc and the cervical canal.

Then, in classical cytology, cells are transferred to a microscope slide and immediately (within 5 seconds) fixed with special reagents. In the case of single-layer cytology, the brush is placed in a container with a fixative fluid. This prevents the uneven distribution of the material on the slide and allows for the elimination of e.g. inflammatory cells, mucus, red blood cells, which often obscure the image of the epithelial cells of the disc and cervical canal. In single-layer cytology, they are better visible (they form a thin layer) and easier for the cytologist to assess.

Single-layer cytology - advantages

Single-layer cytology offers greater diagnostic possibilities. Moreover, the Pap smear test result is more reliable than the conventional Pap smear test (the number of incorrect or illegible results is small).

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