Women of all ages should not forget about breast cancer prevention. Not only because it is the most common malignant neoplasm in Polish women, but also in order to save yourself from more invasive treatment and to enable the longest and he althy life after the disease. We talk to Adrianna Sobol, a psycho-oncologist about breast cancer prevention.
- Breast cancer prevention - how is it in the case of Polish women? Do we remember to get tested?
Adrianna Sobol :We can divide patients into two types: those who undergo regparation and those who do not undergo any medical examinations. The difference between them is huge: people who care about their he alth learn about the disease earlier and face less invasive treatment, but have a better chance of full recovery. They can hear from the doctor: "Fortunately, you have been examined, please thank yourself very much for it. It most likely saved your life: Those who forget about preventive examinations, can expect detection of the disease at an advanced stage and in a more difficult process. treatment.
- It seems, however, that there is a group of women who cannot be persuaded to undergo research. They prefer to live in uncertainty, postpone a visit to the doctor indefinitely, because they are afraid to hear that their fears will be confirmed. How to convince such people?
It is very difficult, but it is worth making such a person aware that even if he does turn out to be sick with cancer, it does not mean the end of the world for him. At the Onkocafe Foundation, where I work, we have volunteers visiting patients in the wards. They enter their room and say: "Knock, knock, we were in this place too, we were in this place too, we had cancer, we were also afraid that we might not be there anymore, and yet we are - alive and well!"
Let's also remember that we don't live for ourselves - we have husbands, partners, children, our passions, work. We enjoy these moments, this everyday life, we want to be in it. And for that to happen, we should also take care of ourselves, not only of our loved ones. And as we know, if something is detected, it has a chance to be cured.
- And how should this breast cancer prevention look like? We know itpeople who say: "I had an ultrasound, I had a mammogram and I have cancer?"
And it is precisely because she has been walking, examined herself, knows that she is sick and can start treatment. There are several elements to the prevention of breast cancer. It is worth leading a he althy and active lifestyle and paying attention to your mental state. And we often forget about the latter, focusing only on household and professional duties, which makes us tired and frustrated. Let us rest, eat he althy and tasty, exercise.
However, remember that research is the key. I have a patient - a teacher who was famous among her friends for her love of a he althy lifestyle, it was difficult to find harmful products in her diet, it can be said that she abused others with her passion. One day, she noticed some wet discharge on her bra, but ignored it. She figured it must be menopause. This condition lasted for several months, and then she began to feel the tumor as well, but still refused to be examined. The more so because the friends from the staff room said: "Come on, you can't be sick! With your lifestyle?". One of the interns, a young girl, who came up to my patient and said: "Don't be afraid, I also have breast cancer. Go to the doctor," she said. She finally went away, but the disease was already spread, so the treatment was more invasive.
- Breast cancer can affect everyone?
Most patients have never had cancer in their family before, and have no genetic burden. According to the data of the American Cancer Society, out of 9 women with breast cancer, only one was diagnosed with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. Let us remember that young people also get sick, I have many patients who were born in 1986, 1990 or 1992. On my blog, I also describe the story of 25-year-old Luisa, who fell ill, although, like most of her peers, she did not think that it could happen to her. So let's not live in a bubble, it doesn't do anything, it doesn't protect us. Just going to the gym will not protect you from cancer. You have to research.
Breast examination - what should you know about it?
Worth knowingYoung women have a faster metabolism, which means a greater risk of interval cancers, i.e. cancers that develop very quickly, even within a few months.
- What kind of research should we remember then?
First of all screening tests, which - which is worth emphasizing again - should be donenot only older women or those with a family history of cancer. Breast cancer prophylaxis includes a self-interviewed interview with relatives: asking who, at what age and in what bloodline was suffering from breast cancer or ovarian cancer, and on the basis of the answers obtained, making a decision to go to a gynecologist, oncologist. There is nothing to be afraid of the latter!
Of course, the necessary examinations also include breast ultrasound and mammography, but as we perform them periodically, let's not forget about what I call the home oncological vigilance system, i.e. an examination using a device based on computer thermography and breast self-palpation.
- What are they and how to do them?
We carry out breast self-examination once a month - between the 3rd and 12th day of the cycle, when the breasts are painless and soft. In the case of women who do not have periods anymore, it may be, for example, every first week of the month. The examination is carried out using the three middle fingers, making circular movements from the armpit to the nipple. Also, squeeze it to see if there's any discharge coming out of it. It is best to perform the test while standing, with your feet slightly apart and leaning over the top. You can also do this in the shower, which may seem a little easier because the water is gliding. Lying down examination is a good option for ladies with large breasts.
Let's observe our breasts: check if they have not changed shape, if disturbing discoloration has not appeared on them.
ImportantAccording to the data of the National Cancer Registry, as much as 22% of all malignant neoplasms among Polish women are breast cancer. It is 5% for ovarian cancer and 4% for cervical cancer.
- How do I use the breast examination device?
The test is painless and non-invasive, it does not emit any radiation, and the device can be used at home. The entire examination is based on the application of the device to the breasts (the number of times it needs to be done depends on their size) and lasts 15 minutes. The equipment is accompanied by an application that guides us through the stages and reminds us of the next monthly checks.
- Breast cancer prevention means the need for comprehensive action?
Yes, no method, in isolation from others, gives us 100% certainty and the opportunity to breathe: "Phew, I'm sure I'm he althy". That is why it is so important to perform checkups as well as our own vigilance, as well as choosing a he althy lifestyle. Let's take care of proper breast cancer prophylaxis to make sure that we've done everythingwe could, let's invest in our own peace package.
Adrianna Sobol- psychologist, psycho-oncologist and psychotraumatologist. The owner of the Ineo Psychological Support Center, a member of the Board of the OnkoCafe Foundation - Together Better. He works as a psycho-oncologist at the Magodent Oncology Hospital in Warsaw. An expert of the Braster company, she conducts numerous trainings and lectures.