Prostate cancer detected early is certainly easier to treat. That is why every man over 40 should undergo urologist examinations once a year. The most famous examination of the prostate is the PSA level. What other tests can detect prostate cancer?
Prostate cancerusually occurs in older men. That is why regularprostate examinationsare so important. The doctor you should see if you notice any irregularities in urination is a urologist.
Prostate cancer: Rectal Examination
The urologist performs a rectal examination, i.e. with a finger through the anus. It is not pleasant for the patient, but it is important - this way you can get the closest to the prostate and check if there are any changes on its lobes, i.e. lumps or hardness. A he althy prostate is smooth and flexible, so you can easily feel any abnormalities this way. Usually, the doctor will also order blood and urine tests.
If prostate cancer is suspected, further diagnosis is required.
Prostate cancer: core needle biopsy
The most reliable test is core needle biopsy. They are performed under ultrasound control using a special head that is inserted into the anus. Then, material is collected from the changed places for analysis (histopathological examination). In this way, the presence of cancer cells is confirmed or excluded, and their type and degree of malignancy are determined.
Prostate cancer: fine needle biopsy
A fine-needle biopsy is performed when, after rectal examination, the doctor is almost sure that cancer has developed and only needs confirmation of the diagnosis. The test is minimally invasive, and after cytology of the collected sample, it is known if the patient has cancer.
What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer: prostate ultrasound
Performing an ultrasound of the prostate through the abdominal wall does not really make much sense, unless the urologist can see the results. Only he can use them to assess the condition of the bladder and determine whether the size of the prostate is not a threat to he alth.
Prostate cancer: PSA level
Recently, a blood test has become fashionable to measure the level of PSA (prostate specific antigen), a protein produced by the epithelial cells of the prostate gland. The PSA is performed at the earliest48 hours after the rectal examination, because all manipulations in the area of the gland (including inflammation) increase the antigen result. The concentration of PSA antigen should not exceed 4 ng / ml of blood. The increase in PSA levels means that cancer can develop, even if the tumor is so small that it is difficult to detect on an rectal examination. Unfortunately, the measurement of PSA concentration is not reliable. As much as 25 percent men with normal results have prostate cancer, and more than half of men with elevated PSA levels have a he althy prostate gland.
Prostate cancer: PAP designation
If cancer is suspected, an enzyme in the blood is also measured - prostatic acid phosphorase (PAP), which tells you that the cancer has spread to other organs.
How to encourage men to have a prostate test?
Source:ń Dobry TVN