Although pharmacological and surgical treatment improve the quality of life of a woman suffering from endometriosis, an anti-inflammatory diet and improvement of soft tissue functioning in a physiotherapist or osteopath are also necessary for the full therapeutic effect. What products should be included in the diet for endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a disease where the tissues of the endometrium are placed outside the uterine cavity, leading to pain and infertility. Due to the accompanying symptoms, a woman is often unable to function properly in social life, and the inflammation in her body is the basis of other diseases.
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of endometrial tissues outside their normal position, i.e. outside the uterine cavity. They can appear on the surface of the peritoneum, the surface of the intestines, as well as around the bladder, fallopian tubes, and even in the brain - although these are extremely rare cases.
These types of tissues, which have hormone receptors on their surface, behave in other places the same as in the uterine cavity and are transformed according to the menstrual cycle.
So they build up, then flake off and bleed when it's time to get your period. It causes pain and leads to adhesions and infiltrates in places where it should not happen, e.g. in the intestines.
Pain related to the growing endometrial tissue outside the uterus does not occur only during the menstruation itself. They can also appear during ovulation, just before menstruation, or on any day of the cycle, depending on the extent and location of the inflammatory foci.
Due to the difficulty of diagnosing endometriosis, women suffer for many years without identifying the source of the disease. This leads to a deterioration of their quality of life, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the relationship, when, for example, due to a dyspaurea resulting from endometriosis, a woman avoids intercourse.
The main goals of diet therapy in endometriosis
Endometriosis is associated with chronic inflammation, which in turn leads to a weakened immune system. Therefore, the main goal of diet therapy in thisthe disease is anti-inflammatory and supports the immune system. An important direction is also to balance the work of hormones and stabilize the sugar economy.
Thanks to a well-conducted diet therapy, it is possible to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation of endometriosis, as well as reduce the risk of some consequences of this disease, e.g. anemia.
Anti-inflammatory diet for endometriosis
Women with endometriosis produce an increased amount of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and have more pro-inflammatory and growth factors like interleukin (IL) 1.6, 8 than he althy people.
These factors increase the pain, therefore a diet based on anti-inflammatory ingredients and substances is necessary to reduce the feeling of pain. Products with anti-inflammatory properties include, in particular, good-quality fats (the most important of which are those containing omega-3 and GLA), antioxidants, anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric and large amounts of vegetables.
In addition, it is important to eat those products that support the work of the liver, e.g. those that contain a large amount of B vitamins. Probiotics also play an important role, not only supporting the intestinal microbiota, but also having an immunostimulating effect.
When composing a he althy diet, you should exclude those products that will have a pro-inflammatory effect, including: sugar, trans fats, highly processed products or red meat. Eating too much sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which in turn contributes to the increase in abdominal fat.
This type of visceral tissue releases inflammatory cytokines and increases the body's estrogen pool. Therefore, it contributes to the development of endometriosis and exacerbates the related ailments. Red meat, acting pro-inflammatory, also contributes to increasing inflammation in the body, which is why it is not recommended for people suffering from endometriosis.
Examples of anti-inflammatory products
Evening primrose oil
The beneficial properties of evening primrose oil result from the content of two important fatty acids, namely: LA (76%) and GLA (about 9%).
LA acid (linoleic acid) is converted in the body into GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), which in turn is responsible for a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is extremely helpful in reducing pain as well as in regulating hormones.
An allergy to evening primrose oil does not exclude the lack of access to a good source of GLA, as it is also oil fromborage, which can be safely eaten in salads, cocktails or other types of dishes. It is only important that it is eaten cold.
Omega-3 fatty acids
The anti-inflammatory effect of omega-3 fatty acids has been proven in many studies. First of all, these acids contribute to suppressing the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines by those cells that are in the area of inflammation. In addition, they inhibit the transmigration of neutrophils, as well as stimulate macrophages and monocytes to increase phagocytic activity.
The main sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel, as well as fish oils, fish oil.
Regular consumption of fish, i.e. at least 3 times a week, provides a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids. However, with endometriosis, it is often necessary to take increased doses to obtain an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is worth supplementing fish oil or fish oil every day thus ensuring an adequate supply of EPA and DHA.
Antioxidants are substances that inhibit the action of free radicals and neutralize them. Free radicals, in turn, are unpaired oxygen atoms, which are formed during various metabolic changes and can damage cells, destroy DNA structure, as well as intensify inflammation.
Increased number of radicals in women with endometriosis (this is what some studies show) and the ongoing inflammatory process weaken the body and make them need more antioxidants than he althy people.
In addition, research shows that the effects of antioxidants are similar to those of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, like them, they reduce pain. Therefore, women suffering from endometriosis should more often reach for products rich in antioxidants, such as:
- berries, e.g. blueberries, blueberries,
- as well as all vegetables that are a source of beta-carotene, such as: pumpkin, carrots.
In addition, they should eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, because it scavenges free radicals and, together with vitamin E, inhibits lipid peroxidation.
Natural sources of vitamin C are raspberries, currants, strawberries, sea buckthorn, parsley, red pepper, cruciferous vegetables.
Antioxidant properties are also attributed to many elements such as: zinc, selenium, therefore it is worth reaching for products rich in them, such as: liver, nuts, seeds, eggs (zinc sources), or Brazil nuts, cocoa, pods (selenium sources).
Spices with anti-inflammatory properties
There are many spices with anti-inflammatory effects, howeverturmeric and ginger stand out in particular against this background, as their effects are supported by research results. Turmeric contains a substance called curcumin, which blocks oxidative stress and inhibits inflammation in the body. It is capable of neutralizing reactive oxygen species as well as stimulating the growth of glutathione, which has strong antioxidant properties.
In addition, it prevents lipid peroxidation, i.e. lipid oxidation, which leads to intracellular damage, damage to cell membranes, as well as to degenerative changes.
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are as potent as curcumin and have been proven in both human and animal studies.
Ginegerols contained in ginger have, for example, the ability to inhibit pro-inflammatory prostaglandins, and the activity of other substances contained in this plant is equal to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ginger also has the ability to inhibit genes that are involved in the inflammatory response.
Diet in endometriosis that lowers estrogen levels
One of the goals of diet therapy in endometriosis is to lower the level of estrogen, which can reduce the rate of new inflammatory lesions of endometriosis. Endometrial cells are sensitive to estrogens, so if there are fewer of these hormones, they will not stimulate them to build up. In addition, endometrial tissue has estrogen receptors on its surface and in order for estrogen to act on it, it must attach to them.
However, if you manage to substitute another substance similar in structure to this hormone instead of estrogen, you can temporarily block the receptors and thus reduce the growth and stimulation of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity.
These types of blockers are found, for example, in vegetables or pods. Consuming cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, chickpeas or beans can therefore have a beneficial effect on reducing symptoms related to endometriosis.
The second important group of products that lower the level of estrogen in the body are those that have a positive effect on the liver. This is because the liver is involved in the metabolism of estrogens. The oestrogens circulating slowly in the blood are converted into inactive metabolites and excreted in the bile into the intestines, and then excreted in the faeces. Thanks to the improvement of the liver's work, this process can run smoothly, and the excess estrogen can be effectively reduced thanks to the work of this organ.
Products supporting the work of the liver are herbs such as: dandelion, milk thistle, but also food products such as groats, whole wheat bread, nuts, which have a large amount ofthe content of B vitamins, necessary for the proper activity of the liver.
In addition, fiber and plant sterols are necessary for the efficient removal of estrogen metabolites. The source of fiber can be vegetables, fruit, but also groats and wholemeal bread. In turn, plant sterols can be found in seeds, pits and linseed oil.
Diet in endometriosis to alleviate intestinal discomfort
Endometrial tissues are often located in the intestines, which causes not only adhesions, but also an overgrowth of the bacterial flora in the small intestine (SIBO), dysbiosis and the growth of bacteria that favor intestinal permeability.
This, in turn, causes a greater pool of active estrogen metabolites to enter the blood, intensifying the symptoms of endometriosis.
Increased amount of "bad bacteria" also contributes to flatulence, excess gas, which intensifies pain. To improve the functioning of the intestines and to balance the amount of good and bad intestinal bacteria, it is worth taking care of a proper diet and introducing probiotic therapy (under the supervision of a doctor or dietitian).
Besides, if a woman does not suffer from SIBO, you can include silage, sourdough bread, kombucha in your diet. Also well seen is the large amount of vegetables whose soluble fiber with limiting the fruit to one serving per day. It is also necessary to introduce a diet that restricts sugar, as it disturbs the state of the intestinal microbiome.