Testing the level of vitamin D is especially worth doing when you often have a cold, it is difficult for you to lose weight, you are constantly sleepy, because these are problems that often result from a deficiency of this vitamin. A simple blood test will answer the question of whether you need vitamin D supplementation, and in what dosage. What are the norms and how to interpret the vitamin D level result in the body?
U 90-95 percent of Polesvitamin D levelsare lower than normal - most havevitamin D deficiency . The reason is, among others the latitude in which we live and the associated sun deficit. Even the most varied diet does not solve the problem. Milk and its products, eggs, butter, cheese or even fish cover the daily requirement for this vitamin only to a minimal extent. Therefore, in spring and in the autumn-winter period, we should supplement it (and some throughout the year). But because vitamin D is easy to overdose, it's a good idea to do a blood test beforehand to determine your daily dose.
Vitamin D level: who should get the test?
Vitamin D deficiencyaccompanies, among others, disorders in the work of the kidneys, liver and intestines. It may be the result of taking medications, e.g. anticonvulsants, glucocorticosteroids or antifungal drugs. Its level can be tested in the following cases:
- symptoms of bone diseases, e.g. frequent fractures
- celiac disease, Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, enteritis
- use of elimination diets for cow's milk allergy and lactose intolerance
- diseases of the kidneys (also after transplantation) and liver (cholestasis, viral hepatitis C)
- cardiovascular diseases, especially hypertension
- autoimmune diseases (MS, psoriasis, RA, systemic lupus)
- depression, memory disorders, dementia
- abnormal levels of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium
- different types of malignant tumors
- obesity - patients after bariatric surgery.
How is a vitamin D test done?
You don't need to prepare yourself for the examination. Blood is drawn from a vein in the crook of the elbow. It can be downloaded at any time of the day, which means you don't need to fast. A referral for examination is issued by a doctor, usually an endocrinologist. Privately, it is necessary to determine the level of vitamin Dpay from PLN 45. If we do not have a referral, ask for a blood plasma level of 25-hydroxyvitaminase D, or calcidiol, to be determined. The results must be shown to the doctor so that he can recommend an appropriate supplementation that will compensate for vitamin D deficiency.
TOWIDEO What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?
Vitamin D testing: how to interpret the results?
- less than 20 ng / ml (or less than 50 nmol / l) - severe vitamin D deficiency
- less than 30 ng / ml (or less than 75 nmol / l) - insufficient supply
- 30-50 ng / ml (or 75-125 nmol / l) - optimal supply
- over 150 ng / ml (or over 375 nmol / l) - vitamin D poisoning
How much vitamin D do we need
- children and adolescents from 1 to 18 years of age: 600-1000 IU per day
- children and adolescents with diagnosed obesity: 1200-2000 IU daily
- adults (18-65 years): 800-2000 IU
- people over 65: 800-2000 IU daily
- obese people: up to 4000 IU daily
- women planning pregnancy: 800-2000 IU per day; pregnant (from the 2nd trimester) and lactating: 1500-2000 IU per day
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