Research has shown that low temperatures increase the risk of a heart attack. People who have problems with the circulatory system are mainly at risk. On cold, frosty and windy days, we should especially take care of our heart. Here are 7 reasons why your risk of having a heart attack increases in winter.
Scientists from Lund University conducted a study on the influence of air temperature on the risk of heart attack. They analyzed the data of over 274 thousand. people aged 50 to 89 who experienced a heart attack in 1998-2013. They compared them with weather data. With the decrease in air temperature and atmospheric pressure, the frequency of heart attacks increased. The high wind speed and shorter insolation time were also important. Extremely cold temperatures constrict blood vessels, which in turn reduces the flow of oxygen to the heart.
7 reasons why the risk of a heart attack increases in winter
Unhe althy diet
In the fall and winter, we eat unhe althy snacks more than ever. Fruit and vegetables are replaced by sweets, unhe althy fats and fast food, which contribute to weight gain, which in turn adversely affects the work of the heart.
Sodium and saturated fat make it harder for the heart to pump blood through it. That is why it is so important to pay special attention to a he althy diet and adequate hydration of the body.
Infections and flu
In late fall and winter, the cold and flu season begins. Recurring infections weaken the work of the heart, which especially applies to people struggling with cardiovascular problems - but not only.
Vaccinated people, although they may still struggle with the flu, will experience it much more smoothly, which will have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.
Atmospheric front
The constantly changing atmospheric fronts include not only weather fluctuations, but also drops and increases in atmospheric pressure, which are especially dangerous for people with heart disease.
All of this makes the cardiovascular system more overloaded and harder to get used to the constantly changing aura.
It is not only low temperature or unhe althy food that adversely affect the work of the heart in winter. One of the biggest threats is polluted air. A large amount of carbon monoxide, sulfur and nitrogen results in a weakening of the cardiovascular system and respiratory problems.
Winter physical activity
When clearing snow from a driveway in front of the house on a frosty day, blood vessels constrict and blood pressure rises to maintain normal body temperature.
Additionally, exercise makes the heart beat faster, which is especially dangerous for people with a bad heart.
Drinking alcohol
On short, winter days, we use alcohol more often, which, by expanding blood vessels, warms the body. However, alcohol abuse has a negative effect on the work of the heart and impairs the nervous system.
Thus, it increases the risk of a heart attack. It is better to replace a glass of alcohol with winter tea with orange, clove and honey.
Preparing for Christmas, which takes weeks in some homes, although sometimes exceptional, is also stressful. Cleaning, cooking and choosing gifts are not conducive to relaxation.
Nerves and haste do not save your heart. Therefore, when preparing for the holidays, it is worth involving other household members to allow yourself a moment of relaxation and rest.