The house fly, like the mosquito, can be very troublesome. He flies into our homes, sits down on food, wakes us up in the morning. But should we be afraid of the house fly? Are house flies dangerous to humans? How to effectively get rid of them from home?
Housefly( Musca domestica ) is an insect common in our country from the fly family. It is the most troublesome in thespring-summer season . It then flies to our homes in search of food. Here and there, flocks of flying flies are a realplague .
Housefly - what does it look like?
The body of the housefly is approx.7.5 mmin length, it has a dark gray body interspersed with characteristic longitudinal stripes in a lighter color. Its wings are transparent. Housefly legs are finished with claws and rebates, thanks to which it is able to move on vertical surfaces.
Thanksbig burgundy eyesthe fly can see everything around it, therefore it is very sensitive and it is easy to scare it away. As scientists have calculated, compared to other insects, it flies quite slowly, only about 8 km / h.
The house fly is equipped with alicking mouthpiece , thanks to which it can lick off liquid food, and solid food is first dissolved by it with the enzymes present in its saliva.
Housefly - where is it?
The housefly was originally found in the temperate climate zone but can be found all over the world. It is an animalsynanthropic , so it lives close to humans, where they have an abundance of food. It preferswarm, sunny places . It is activeduring the day , most often it rests on walls, ceilings and furniture at night. He likes to hide in the vicinity of food the most.
Housefly - life cycle
The housefly lives for a short time, because it is approx.4 weeks , but during this timeevery few dayseach female can fold as many as 100-150 eggsfrom which the next generations develop. The female housefly lays eggs preferably inanimal excrement, meat or garbage , because the larvae hatching there have a source of food (they eat organic debris).Some specimens can hibernate until spring in the nooks and crannies of our home - then they hibernate (called anabiosis).
Housefly - is it dangerous?
Although the houseflycannot bite us(not a biting mouthpiece), it isvery dangerousand for people from another because it creates a bigepidemiological threat . This is due to her way of life. In search of food, a fly sits on various contaminated surfaces, such as faeces, garbage or carrion, which can accumulate on its body a lot ofpathogens dangerous to our he alth . If it then sits down on the food that we intend to eat, it can effectively contaminate it.
Scientists have found that on the surface of the body, the housefly can carry6 millionmicrobes, and even more in the intestines - as many as30 million ! Among them, researchers isolated pathogens causing, among others
- damn
- salmonellosis
- polio
- tuberculosis
- typhoid
- dysentery
- anthrax
- spore stages of various parasites
If we add to this the fact that a fly that consumes solid food must first digest it in its intestines, then we have a simple answer as to why we should fight house flies.
Housefly - how to get rid of it from home?
It's best not to let the housefly fly into our house at all. The most effective in this case will bemosquito netsinstalled in all windows and preferably also in balcony or terrace doors. But an individual can always get through such a dam, even when we enter the house. Then the easiest way is to use the familiarfly catcher .
There are also some natural ways to catch flies:
- keeping order, taking out garbage regularly- the key here is to avoid leaving products that attract flies, i.e. rotting garbage, rotten fruit, meat, food scraps, etc. In everyday cleaning you can use vinegar, which naturally repels flies;
- fly repellent essential oils : lavender, bergamot, mint. They will work best when we heat them in a special chimney with a candle;
- fly repellant herbsset on the windowsill: basil, thyme, rosemary and lavender;
- electric insect plates- they are effective, but may be irritating to allergy sufferers or young children, so be careful with their use;
- apple cider vinegar- flies dislike smell very muchvinegar;
- a mixture ofcorn flour and honey- pour it into saucers or small bowls. It will attract flies and won't let them get out anymore;
- a mixture ofwater and liquid soapor vinegar - pour it into the sprinkler and spray where there are a lot of flies - they should fall straight away;
- water poured into a plastic bag- it will reflect the sun's rays, which will effectively scare flies away.
If the fly population grows dangerously in our home, stronger measures can also be used, such as:
- insecticide lamps emitting ultraviolet light- they can be hung on the balcony or terrace;
- fly traps that lure these insects and destroy them.