A spider bite can happen to any of us. There are only a few species in Poland that do not have jaws. Fortunately, most spider bites are completely harmless to us. How to recognize a spider bite and how to treat it? Which spiders found in Poland can bite us?
There are around30,000spider species in the world, of which there are over800of them in Poland. Interestingly, only three species of Polish spiders are not able to bite a human because they are devoid of venom glands.
The rest of the spiders arepoisonous , which means that during the bite it introduces its venom under the human skin along with digestive enzymes. Fortunately, in our countryspider bitesoccur relatively rarely, because only a few spiders living in Poland have jaws strong enough to break through our skin, and their venom is not able to do so. harm to an adult man. Young children, the elderly and sick, people with reduced immunity, and allergy sufferers may react worse to a spider bite.
Why can a spider bite be dangerous?
Spiders are reluctant to attack people when they can see what size they are dealing with. However, when they feel threatened, they can use their secret weapon, venom, to defend themselves. A spider bite can happen, for example, when we visit caves and unconsciously trap a spider with our hand, or when we fidget at night in a bed with a spider in it.
Distinguished3 types of spider venom :
- neurotoxic- causing paralysis of the central nervous system,
- hemolytic- damaging red blood cells and, as a result, blood vessels,
- cytotoxic- causes difficult-to-heal wounds that may end in a skin graft.
Fortunately, scientists have calculated that only3 percentof spider species have a venom that isdangerous to humans . And none of them live in Poland. The venom of Polish spiders has an average power comparable to that of bees. But among the exotic species there are those that combine all types of venom. The most dangerous of them are: tarantulas, tarantulas, black widowsand hermit spiders.
Spider bite - what does it look like?
Contrary to appearances, it is difficult to clearly recognize a spider's bite. Rarely, there are two punctures on the skin that would resemble the spider's jaws. More often the spider bite mark is similar to the bee mark. Here they appear:
- strong redness,
- swelling,
- pruritus,
- baking,
- pain.
In particularly sensitive people, after a spider bite, an allergic reaction may occur, manifested by large swelling and redness, as well as weakness, headache, joint pain and subcutaneous haemorrhage.
In extreme cases, anaphylactic shock may be fatal. Therefore, if we feel severe shortness of breath after a spider bite, our neck is swollen and we have attacks of dry cough, call an ambulance immediately - it is a sign that we are allergic to spider venom.
Spider bite - treatment
If you are bitten by our native spider, there is usually no cause for concern. It is enough to disinfect the wound (preferably with a preparation based on octenidine, hydrogen peroxide or spirit). To reduce swelling and inflammation, use a cooling gel (such as from other insect bites) or baking soda or onion compresses. If the swelling does not decrease, and we complain of malaise, a spider's bite should be consulted with a doctor as soon as possible.
Exotic spider bite
The most dangerous for humans is the bite of an exotic spider. Interestingly, it can happen to us not only during holidays in the tropics, but also in Poland. It is enough for a very poisonous spider to run away from the terrarium, or somehow the ocean to swim between the clusters of bananas. As scientists have proven, a spider can survive without food in refrigeration even8 months .
The following symptoms may occur after a spider bite:
- stomach ache
- vomiting
- fever
- large swelling at the bite site
- muscle aches
- excessive sweating
Treating an exotic spider bite requires immediate administration of serum or antitoxin, and sometimes tetanus vaccination as well. If we do not get a substance that neutralizes the toxins contained in the venom in time, the following may appear at the site of the bite:
- dark bubbles filled with oil
- severe pain
- progressive tissue necrosis
In extreme cases, the whole organism becomes infected (sepsis) and, as a result, todeath.
If we are not sure which spider has bitten us, doctors will also not know exactly what serum to give us. In such situations, it is recommended to catch such a spider (or take a picture of it) and call an ambulance.
To delay absorption of the venom, place the bitten person on the ground (in this position the blood circulation is slower) and give them something warm to drink.
We put a tourniquet on the bitten limb (always above the bite site) only if it is impossible to reach the doctor within two hours. After this time, when the limb swells, the wound after the bite should be slightly incised, opened, and then the venom should be sucked out, e.g. with a small glass (or a vessel with a small diameter) warmed up against the skin.
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Which spiders in Poland bite?
Cave networker ( Meta menardi )
The cave netter is considered to be the most poisonous spider in Poland. He loves dark, humid places with a constant temperature of over 7 degrees C. And although his main place of occurrence are caves, we cannot find him in cellars, old mines, wells and sewage manholes.
The cave netter is red-brown, about 5 cm long and does not build a classic cobweb, but rather characteristic teardrop-shaped cocoons. This spider feeds mainly on twigs, snails, insects and other spiders.
The bite of a cave nether is not dangerous to a human, but very painful. They can be compared to a hornet sting. There is a strong inflammation and swelling at the site of the bite.

Garden spire ( Araneus diadematus )
It occurs commonly throughout Poland. Its name comes from the characteristic white cross on the abdomen. The female Aranus spiders can be over 2 cm in size, the males are slightly smaller. As the name suggests, the garden Teuton likes most gardens, thickets, forest edges, meadows, but also farm buildings and apartments, especially uninhabited ones.
Teutonic Knights mainly feed on flying insects such as flies and wasps. They catch their prey in a spider's web, then wrap it with their net and inject it with venom that paralyzes the victim's nervous system. The spiders then suck out her insides, leaving behind a hard shell.
Formerly, the spiders of the Teutonic Knights that lived close to people were used to predict the weather.
A bite of a garden spider is usually harmless tohuman. In extreme cases, an inflammatory reaction, slight swelling and local tissue necrosis in the form of two small points may occur.

Home angle (Eratigena atrica)
Home tangle is one of the most common spiders in our homes. Some specimens can be as large as 10 cm (including the legs). The tangle is a mild-mannered spider that definitely avoids people. However, if he is pressed with his bare hand and feels strongly threatened, he can bite a person. Fortunately, such bites are extremely rare, and its venom is completely harmless to us. Moreover, not every individual has jaws strong enough to chew through human skin. Only very large individuals do this.
The trace of a home corner bite looks like a mosquito bite. You cannot see two points on the skin, as in the case of other spiders, because the teeth of the elbow are too small and merge into one point.
The bite of the elbow can manifest itself with short-term pain and local itching, but it does not threaten our he alth. The bite of the elbow can be tolerated by allergy sufferers, who may experience an allergic reaction, but usually a minor one.

Striped argiope ( Argiope bruennichi )
The striped argiope also lives close to people. It can be found in gardens, meadows, on the edge of pine forests - it generally prefers moist and sunny places. Interestingly, little tigers live in a fairly high density - up to 3 spiders of this species can live on 1 square meter.
Among the striped tigers a large disproportion between the sizes of the female and the male is noticeable. The female can measure up to 25 mm in length, while the male - only 7. No wonder that he often falls victim to the female right after mating.
It is difficult to confuse the spider mite with other spiders, because it has a characteristic striped abdomen in three colors: black, white and yellow. From a distance, it resembles a wasp abdomen or the color of a tiger. The argiope also creates a very unusual cobweb with a characteristic zigzag placed in its lower part. The zigzag is woven from slightly thicker threads and its purpose is to strengthen the entire structure.
These spiders can bite us only when, for example, they accidentally end up behind the trouser leg. They are very mild-mannered on a daily basis. A bite of a mycenae does not threaten our he alth, but it can cause itching and local inflammation. Some people compare them to a wasp bite.

Armed Colchin ( Cheiracanthiumpunctorium )
The armored spike has a yellow-brown color and spikes on the front legs, because these are the characteristics of the spike.
Armed colic can also bite: its bite causes symptoms of poisoning, chills, pain, weakness, and inflammation appears at the bite site, accompanied by burning pain.
It is one of the few spiders found in Poland, the bite of which causes symptoms of poisoning. It causes burning pain and inflammation. The venom contains haemolysin. It is deadly to insects, while in humans it causes long-lasting pain, weakness and chills. Bite symptoms may last up to two weeks
Despite the fact that the bite of a chokeberry is painful, causes vomiting and headaches, and it may swell in the morning after the bite, nothing more will happen. The spike venom is not lethal for us. If we do not want to be exposed to the above-mentioned effects of a bite, avoid yellow-brown spiders and spikes on the front legs, because these are the characteristics of a spike.
It is one of the few spiders found in Poland, the bite of which causes symptoms of poisoning. It causes burning pain and inflammation. The venom contains haemolysin. It is deadly to insects, while in humans it causes long-lasting pain, weakness and chills. Bite symptoms may last up to two weeks
Males are 7.5 to 12 mm long and females 10 to 15 mm long

Ukrainian tarantula
The Ukrainian tarantula lives in warm and dry areas, preferably meadows, fields, pastures and wastelands. It has characteristic gray-brown stripes and stripes, which makes it difficult to confuse it with another spider. The tarantula is quite large (the abdomen itself is up to 6 cm!), Which is why it is the largest spider found in Central Europe.
Interestingly, the Ukrainian tarantula has as many as 3 pairs of eyes and is equipped with massive jaws with which it can chew through human skin. They leave a visible trace, redness and severe pain. It is true that its venom is not able to harm an adult human being, but a child or an elderly person - yes. Allergy sufferers should also be careful.

Spider topic
It is the only spider that spends practically all its life under water, but - interestingly - breathes atmospheric air. This is possible due to the fact that, after weaving a spider web, it pulls it under the water along with a bubble of air, which provides it with its reserves for a long time.
The topic is dark brown in color and its body is covered with hairs. We can find it in ponds, lakes and streams with a low pH. It runs the night modeof life, it is usually under water during the day. The topik spider is a predator - it hunts water insects and their larvae and crustaceans.
Importantly, this inconspicuous spider has a strong venom that causes severe pain in humans.

An exotic spider that can bite us
Brown hermit
When it comes to exotic spiders, in Polish conditions, we can occasionally come across a brown hermit ( Loxosceles reclusa ). He is responsible for the high-profile cases of bites in the store (while buying bananas), which were publicized by the media.
The Hermit has six eyes, a brown color, and long legs covered with sparse bristles. Although its venom cannot kill an adult human, it is distinguished by the presence of a cytotoxic venom that causes tissue death. A hermit bite results in an open wound that is very difficult to heal. Sometimes a skin transplant is necessary, and even the amputation of a diseased limb.
The brown hermit is active mainly at night, hunting insects and other spiders.