Flies and fruit flies are small insects belonging to the order of flies that are often confused with each other. Fruit flies eat only yeast resulting from fermentation, which is why they can most often be found in the kitchen on overripe fruit. On the other hand, small flies only bite people and animals, because they need protein-rich blood to survive. Find out what else are the differences between these insects and how to distinguish flies from fruit flies.
Fruit flies and flies are small insects that look very similar at first glance. However, if you take a closer look at them, you can see the differences between them.
Fruit flies
- fruit flies are tiny insects 2-3 mm in size;
- a characteristic feature of fruit fruits is the color of their eyes: red or white;
- the body and abdomen are light yellow or brown in color;
- the natural environment of fruit flies are orchards and a kitchen, where there are ripening seasonal fruits;
- the fruit fruit does not attack humans because it is herbivorous: it eats only yeast that lives on rotting fruit;
- midges reproduce in rotting fruit. The female can lay 10 to 20 eggs at a time. The developing larvae feed on the microorganisms present on the fruit during decay;
- The flies transport microorganisms, mold fungi and bacteria to their products that interfere with the fermentation processes. Therefore, fruit flakes can only cause damage to fruits, vegetables and their preserves;
- they are most often attracted by the smell of fruit, wine, preserves, jams, vinegar and fruit juices, as well as some flowers.

- the hairs usually range from 3 to 6, and even up to 10 mm in length;
- the body and abdomen are black (hence the name in Englishblack fly );
- the natural environment of the fluff is water reservoirs, therefore it can be found along rivers, as well as in blocked ditches and gutters;
- blackflies feed on the blood of animals or humans, which they need to extend the species;
- they are attracted by the heat of the human body, the smell of human sweat and the carbon dioxide we exhale, which is why the wheel most often flyour head;
- the larvae breed in water bodies, where the larvae mature to pupate;
- Dandelions are parasites whose venom in allergic people can cause serious symptoms of allergic reactions, e.g. anaphylactic shock, which can lead to death.
- Allergic to venom. How does allergy to bed venom manifest itself?
- Meszki: how to defend against them?
- MESH BITES - how to treat them? Proven ways to deal with fluff bites